Whats your fastest mile?

I’ve timed myself before, the best I got was a 4 min 58 second mile. I know plenty of people out there are going “What?! no. impossible” but I timed myself, and that’s the best time I’ve had.

Prior to this question, I saw another one to it, so I thought I’d ask a same question, but slightly different. What’s your fastest mile?

Answer #1

we ran the mile yesterday for gym. Okay, before you think anything about my time.. let me tell you, yesterday it was 93 degrees outside, 4th block gym class. haha I did it in 9:48… I almost died. haha.

Answer #2

5min 20sec but that was like 4 years ago…

The best I could do now is probably 6mins flat.

Under 5 is amazing though! o.O

Answer #3

haha wow I feel fast mine is 536 when I ran with my dad and we did the chicago marathon

Answer #4

ha ha sorry cupcake! that was my best time ever… I’ve never run that fast again in my whole life… now I’m lucky to do a 12 minute.

Answer #5

I think I did a 6:30 once

Answer #6

wow thats pretty impressive…my best is 5:40ish…but good job! haha

Answer #7

mine is like an 8 minute haha I hate running I am slow I can only bike fast

Answer #8

yea I used to do a mile in 11 min and 30 sec.

I have no idea about now though..lol.

Answer #9

^ ^ ^ ^

lol..all you guys just made me feel like a very slow and fat person.

Answer #10

Lol I done a mile to day actually in 13 mins ;o

Answer #11

Not bad. :D

Answer #12

6min 30 sec, im slow lol

Answer #13

haha. :D

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