Whats the deal these days with kids being so angry?

Why is it kids these days seem so angry and are not respectful to adults? I would have never acted that way when I was young. My mom and grandmother made sure that I was respectful to everyone, and still to this day I say yes ma’am, no sir, etc to my elders.

Has the world really changed that much that 13-17 year olds are so angry that they feel the need to cuss all the time, and the world owes them something?

I guess I’m just stuck in the past…and I’m glad.

Anyone else feel this way?

Answer #1

My opinion, their parents grew up in an environment where God was not allowed in schools and we’re reaping what we’ve sown - no discipline and disrespect runs rampant.

Answer #2

Wow, the second post was incredibly rude, the one who said baby boomers need to step aside. This might just be the internet, but show some respect.

Answer #3

These days both parents work, and argue a lot, look at satistics divorce rates have gone up. Kids only have friends and televison as role models. I guess that has something to do with it. Times have changed aswell.

Answer #4

Good job!

Answer #5

You sound like a very respectful and wonderful person. Keep up the good work, we need more young kids like you around emmalism3568. You rock!

Answer #6

And his mom calls me spoiled. I don’t have a fraction of what he has, except for parents that are raising me with tact and responsibility, that made me frugal and knowledgeable and wise with money.

Answer #7

I sure hope so…I guess I’m not quite as confident about that as you are. I’m a teacher and I see disrespect every day. Not in my class, because I don’t allow it, and make it fun to be there…but still it’s out there, and it’s bad.

Answer #8

this is comeing from a 14 year old it because the childern today see so many thing that they think they canac like

Answer #9

Two thumbs up Amblessed. . . . I see it often at work Parents giving there Children every little thing they want. . . And the Child gives back disrespect. . . . sickening. . . . . I’ve seen it here also. . .

Answer #10

Thank you. =D If it helps I work at the Animal Shelter also.

Answer #11

Thanks for the cannon lexi_con, I’ll be sure to use it. :)

The only thing I disagree with, it is is not only just anger but HUGE disrespect. (What sparked this question). The filth that came out of her is really disrespectful to someone you don’t know. And the entitlement came from the “how dare you” attitude that she oozed.

Oh well, I’m off to fire my pink bunny cannon. :)

Answer #12

It’s adults and parents fault not ours! watch your way in raising us and treating us THEN watch the results of what YOU did with us! Like me, when I hear my parents Argueing about something I get so angry, sometimes they make me feel like theyre getting a divorce but when I ask them they say: when did we argue about anything? And they make it seem as if I’m lieing and there’s nothing wrong between them! We’re smart, we feel every single thing that goes around between our parents! if you have any quEstion about us fun mail me and I WILL give you good answers!

Answer #13

Look around this board. We have kids 13 and 14 years old asking what to do about their pregnancies and how to give their boyfriends a blowjob or make their girls climax. Look at most of the lewd profile pics you see of members below age 18, especially the females. It’s pretty obvious that many in this generation have absolutely no regard for what their elders think.

The fact is though, it’s hard to blame them. Many of their elders, I.e. parents, simply don’t care. And those that do care must compete with a self-centered culture that defines what is hip and pop. at the expense of what is good and decent.

Also, it’s the times. This generation is possibly the most privileged generation in the nation’s history. They never lived through the Great Depression or the Vietnam War or the Civil Rights Movement. A very small number of their peers are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan…but the war hardly touches the rest.

On the other hand, I will end on a positive note. I do see many young people participating in things like Habitat for Humanity and AmeriCorps, giving back to the world in tremendous ways. I see young girls working overtime as nurses at elderly care homes, working for low pay. And the young men and women fighting that war in Iraq are nothing short of superb, toiling under horrible circumstances because that’s their job, never thinking of themselves.

So I think this young generation, while it has been corrupted, will still do OK when we hand them the reigns.

Answer #14

Just because you baby boomers are getting old, and things are changing doesn’t mean you should take it out on the younger generation. Step aside.

Answer #15

You dont know what gows through our minds, and what we physically go through either. theres many reasons, but there I sosme people who have no problems at all, and just copy other people for the fun of it.

So I cant really narrow it down to one thing.

Answer #16

Actually I think you don’t have the real question stated here. All I ever here is ‘older’ generations talking about how ‘kids’ these days have no respect for their elders. You have every kid lumped together in a category of disrespectful, angry people. Take a look around, its just not the kids. I admit things aren’t the way they used to be with the way kids act but look at the adults, they aren’t acting like saints either. I don’t know who came up with the ‘respect your elders’ ordeal, but its surely messed up in my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disrespectful to people nor do I act angry towards others most of the time. No child is taught the same things you were taught. I suppose we can be angry and disrespectful as a reaction to how everyone else acts towards us, especially our ‘elders’. I have people all the time, I just meet them, they can be rude and disrespectful towards me just because I’m not an adult yett and thats okay, I hear the saying ‘your a kid I don’t have to show you respect’ too often. If a kid were to mirror their actions, and say I don’t need to give you respect because your just an adult, it would be a big deal. Its just not kids who are angry and disrespectful, its everyone. Look around.

Answer #17

I’m 15 and all the kids in my class are so disrespectful to the teachers that its horrible. There are few kids that are actually respectful to the teachers, and I’m one of them. I KNOW that the main reason for the people in my class being disrespectful is because they have been spoiled to death. Where I live everyone is rich and they get all their money from their parents, meaning they don’t need to learn to be independent or anything. So its actually the PARENTS faults for raising disrespectful children. I, on the other hand, was strictly raised by my mom and my grandma and I ended up being a very independent but QUIET girl. All the disrespectful people in my class are all very OUTGOING and POPULAR. Now it’s like, if your disrespectful, you’ll get attention from your classmates, and become cool. But sometimes kids are not spoiled, but instead are treated horribly by older people. If some kids grow up with alcholic or drug-using parents then yes, eventually you lose respect for some people. And now we’re taught in school to FEAR older people, but in another way, from rapists and killers and abusers. So now we fear and don’t trust to the point of disrespect. Seriously, who wants to go and respect a rapist? And another thing, some adults need to know that SOME kids are actually good, like me. But I have this one neighbor, and all she does is scream at me when I’m not even on her property. I’m like, fishing with my friend (a good hobby, unlike most kids in my school who smoke pot half their lives) and she comes outside, steals my fishing bag, and throws it in her garbage while I’m standing five feet away. Oh yeah, I’m definitely going to respect someone like that. I just wish that if we respect the parents and adults, that they would respect the fact that kids do have feelings. Just some don’t do that.

Answer #18

I kinda do too.

I see kids being disrespectful, insulting their parents, rude to people they don’t even know. It’s so awful to think there were those of us who were born 5-10 years earlier, who are polite (but I’ll admit, I’m no pushover, and certainly no saint!) and we get lumped in with this younger troop. I’m tired of people of my mum’s generation assuming that I’m some rude, insolent little thing who purposely tried to make things difficult.

Having said that, there are some adults I’ve met who get right on my wick. My soon-to-be mother-in-law is one of them. A woman who acts so open minded… and if you disagree with her, you see how closed minded she really is. I find it hard to be respectful of a woman whose philosophy seems to be “If you don’t agree with me, then you’re wrong!” I’ve also met some adults who make a grilled cheese sandwich look like an astrophysicist.

I’ve seen some really well adjusted kids too. Kids who have missed out on things in life, and just said “That’s okay, maybe next time”. The ones with the “world owes me something” attitude appear to cope less with failure. They get mad when they fail, they can’t cope, so they take it out on others. Usually, they find someone to blame.

I think I know what sparked this question, and I don’t really see it as being as much disrespect, as the inability to cope when angry. While some of us can just say “fine, okay, I respect your opinion, even though I don’t agree”, others tend to fly off the handle. It’s more a matter of having the social grace of being civil.

Hands texaskimmie a Pink Fluffy Bunny cannon

Feel free to fire this when you feel like someone needs to calm down. I do. :)

Answer #19

Times were very rebelious when I was a teen so I guess I don’t really notice that in kids today. When I helped a carload of high schoolers change a flat tire every one of them called me sir. if anything teens today are less rebelious today than when I was their age. We were trying to stop the war in Vietnam, experimented with drugs, believed in flower power and free love, cheered for Patti Hearst and the SLA, and questioned everything. Most of the teen guys I talk to today want a six figure income, a trophy wife and a Hummer.

As far as cussing goes, I think it is stylish to talk like you are from “the hood” even if teens live in a safe boring suburb. Just an affectation so I laugh it off.

I do notice a sense of entitlement in a lot of teens though. They don’t seem willing to work as hard as previous generations did. if they can get away with it more power to them though. I think a lot of them are going to have a big dose of reality to deal with eventually.

Answer #20

I wrote a poem on this subject once called “children of filth”

Swimming in a sea of filth contaminated by ones left over waste becoming more intoxicated by each breath

A sexed crazed youth being fed by pop stars shaking there dressed up meat a platform for sordid role models to aspire

A child inspired by the upbeat crowd and the bright flashing lights by the cheesy sexed up lyrics made to stick in there ever-evolving minds

The parents unaware or just don’t care of the damage being caused by the disgusting provocative things there being fed

It’s the bast*rd truth! your children have a fetish for sexy clothes and talking dirty through there mobile phones

They dress there children in clothes fit for a porn star only to become one

The next generation more contaminated than the last one!

Answer #21

I think there are a lot of sources to blame. The first one is the media, which always shows violence, celebrities, who are always doing something wrong, and parents who just don’t care. (My grammar sucks, sorry)

I get sick with the way my generation acts as well. The next time I hear one of them say may, thank you or please will be the first. Sometimes I’m schocked when I see them do the things they do. But since the beginning of time hasn’t every younger generation been seen as rude and insolent by the older generation?

Oh almost forgot about the endless stream of filth at our fingertips on the internet.

Answer #22

Hey! I think I can actually help you with this.. umm…okay were to start..okay the reason that there so mad is because there sad.(I know it sounds crazy but its true)LoL! Like theres a person I know, his relative passed away and now hes on the mad side…the other reason is that the kids parent or maybe someone at school is being disrespectful and the kid got it from them as their role model so they did the same thing. or maybe their spoilt…maybe they have learned to be disrespectful for someone on TV. there are diferent ways and reasons, but I think the most common are what I just listed… hopes this helps!

Answer #23

I don’t know, I feel the same way though. I am thirteen.

I am respectful to my parents and my Neighbors act like it’s okay to be so ungrateful and so disrespectful. Although I admit I can be rather disrespectful, I normally do not and am very grateful to have two parents to give me everything I have. I consider myself spoiled although I am not, because I was blessed with two nice parents that some children don’t have. MY neighbor (12) literally begs for a toy or Video Game everyday, and eventually gives in to him, and the next day he acts as if he’s so unlucky and he’s got nothing. He has every Game System out there except for the PS3, and if he doesn’t get what he wants, he calls his mom, a “non-spayed Female dog”.

Answer #24

I’m a teen and this is what I think is up… society has completely changed since you were raised. So many of us don’t have parents at home or come from split parents. We were basically left to raise ourselves and this is going to make us angry at all aduls in general. Therefore, adults are often seen as the enemy… if your kid hasn’t had this happen its likely that their friend has and they want to relate to their friend by hating their parents too (it happened to me) Also, the media shows gangs and that it is “cool” to be violent and rude… lets face it, this generation is all about being as bad as you can be.

Answer #25

I can only speak for myself and I choose to live life. I can blame my parents if I want, I can blame the media if I want, I cant point the finger at somebody else and call them responsible for my emotions and my actions. but I dont, because I have more control over my perceptions and behaviors. I wake up in the morning so proud and thankful to be in the greatest nation ever created. I am truly blessed to wake up with a roof over my head, food in my fridge, a car to drive. my parents are a phone call away. I understand not everyones parents are just a phone call away, and cars arent always dependable, but atleast we arent being shot at every day, tyranny in the streets, etc. in the real world, other people will like you more if you help them feel better about themselves…it makes you more attractive if you are generous, not angry and disrespectful. but maybe im 21 with my name on the mortgage payments because im different.

Answer #26

I can only speak for myself and I choose to live life. I can blame my parents if I want, I can blame the media if I want, I cant point the finger at somebody else and call them responsible for my emotions and my actions. but I dont, because I have more control over my perceptions and behaviors. I wake up in the morning so proud and thankful to be in the greatest nation ever created. I am truly blessed to wake up with a roof over my head, food in my fridge, a car to drive. my parents are a phone call away. I understand not everyones parents are just a phone call away, and cars arent always dependable, but atleast we arent being shot at every day, tyranny in the streets, etc. in the real world, other people will like you more if you help them feel better about themselves…it makes you more attractive if you are generous, not angry and disrespectful. but maybe im 21 with my name on the mortgage payments because im different.

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