What's a good bible verse to read to scare a demon away?


Answer #1

John 3:16 - the LAST thing the Evil/Satan wants is for one whom he seeks to destroy, to know the Truth of Salvation

Answer #2

Psalms 23.4

Answer #3

Kk thanks [=

Answer #4

Thanks [=

Answer #5

Stop tickling the Jinns with english, they’re going to laugh at you!

Answer #6

What O_o ????

Answer #7

You Christians don’t even read it in the original language. When you think they run away in fear, you’re wrong. They don’t they “run away” so that you will stay in your religion. Matthew 7:22 -7:23

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Answer #8

Ruby the devil/ demon as u call him he can quote scriptures too the inputting that scares him is the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus so just continue to pray and the devil can do you no harm. Your name is ruby and that’s a precious stone and you are one of gods precious gems don’t forget that

Answer #9

I was just wondering because of what I see on TV I was wondering what verses they read.. I’m not trying to scare a demon away like if I was a preist or something lol

Answer #10

Thank You (:

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