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What would you do if you were raped by your brother?
So I was raped..if you were in my position how would you approach this problem?
You need to go to the police. If you don’t, it is likely to happen again either to you or someone else.
I put up with being raped for almost 10 years, but finally my sister told b/c it was happening to her too, We put the man away for 120yrs.
We found out that before it happened to us, it happened to 2 other girls as well that swept it under the rug. He was raping for 25, 30 years because everyone was scared to say something.
it is important to tell. www.raiin.org
xox Sika
tell the police asap even if it happened ages ago and you only came out about it now the most important thing is to tell soemone so other people know what he did this means he can be put in jail if its early enough after the rape, or at the very least people know what he did and will be disgusted by it, and hate him then you tell your parents, even if it happened ages ago im assuming your the same girl who asked a question about her brother raping her when you were 3-4 your parents need to know because thats there son when something illegal and horrible like that happens they need to know so they as parents can try to do the right thing by helping you either get help like counceliing or offer there advice and punnish your brother and talk to him about what what he did was wrong
from there I would strongly hate your brother so avoid him a lot, dont talk to him, maybe try and erase him from most of your life if it helps you could een take self defence or martial arts classes if your feeling weak to make you feel a bit stronger
You need to tell a person that you trust (hopefully your parents). If you don’t it will continue to happen. If you want it to stop…you need to tell.
I would be very angry & disgusted with him and tell someone right away. Sorry that happened
Omg! I’m sooo sry! Avoid him as much as possible. If he tries to do it again, tell your parens and the police. He has no rite to treat you that way, and he is a sick, twisted person.
wow im sorry. I’ve been raped twice before as well. I regret not telling anyone sooner, but I guess he is your bro so maybe your trying to protect him? dont. tell someone. thats the most important thing you can do
if you dont deal with it ,,u will never ever really love your future husband truley, it had happened to my wife and now we are dealing with it and its causing hardship everywher 30 years ltr,,,dont get me wrong we are very much in love with each other and we will never get a devorce,,so she has learned to “live with covering other probs” that had happened in her past
tell your parents. if they are ignorant tell the police or school counsler.dont worry you wont hold back
I thik you need to tell someone ASAP also
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