What to do about abuse?

When I was 12 my sister started touching me inaproriately. She pressured me and made me feel like I was a bad sister if I didnt do things with her. That went on untill I was 14. Firstly can that be considerd rape? When I was 13 she held me down and my girlfriend at the time touched me. I said no but they didnt stop. I know that was rape. I’m 16 now and I’m not over any of that. I have never told anyone because it could tare my family apart, I love my parents too much to do that. Since I no longer allow her to touch me (I told her I’d call the cops) she now mentally abuses me. She makes me feel hopeless and worthless. Somedays she goes back to being the person she was before all this, the person I love but those days have become rare. Keeping this secret is killing me, shes hurting me so bad, what do I do? I can’t tell anyone I wont brake apart my family. What can I do?

Answer #1

rape=involuntary sex molestation=touching child inappropriately I was molested by my uncle and mentally and physically abused by my mom, along with being neglected. I know how you feel in some ways, I know its hard to fake that smile, I know how it feels to not want to tear a family apart. But I learned from experiance that you can NOT be FORCED to tell, you have to know it in your heart that this is worth fighting for. That you are worth something. Which I know you are, you are a person with feelings, you can hurt, breath, cry, smile, laugh, run, and be free. I’m not saying she should just keep taking the abuse, but I’m not necessarily saying you should tell, yet. When you’re ready, you’ll be ready. Just keep in mind that when your sister gets to be an adult, she’s out there and can hurt someone else. Anyone, a child, adult, teen, elderly if shes that sick. God bless you and your family, funmail me if you have Qs or want to talk

Answer #2

I dont no your sister and I no I dont no you but this is a serious matter. there are some things that you should tell people and other things that you shouldn’t.. and thi s is one of those things where its on the line. Seeing as I can tell that you are a very caring person and selfless, In your shoes I would confront your sis. I would tell her that what she did was awful and that you may never be able to forgive her for what she has done. You must gauge her reaction to see if there is remorse. You must see if she feels any sigh of feeling bad for what she has done. If you see nothing then you no that no matter what you do or say she will always be that someone in your life who did you wrong. If you seem some sort of remorse I would suggest that you use it to your advantage. Depending on the person they might have taken things into there own hands and punished themselves. I no someone like that. But to the topic at hand. If you see she feels bad about what she did to you you should confront her. What was done has already been and you too must face what is to come. Tell her that you don’t want to grow up with these feelings of betrayal, guilt, hatred ex. Tell her you want your old sis back the one you still love. This abuse must stop. Now of course this is all just stuff you could say. You must fight your own battles. But I hope this gave you some sort of direction for you to go in. Dont and put things off either. It’s gonna be hard but for your sakes and you sisters. You must confront her and settle this rough past of yours. Things will work out in the end. I assure you.

And if you want to talk about anything else or just wanna talk I would be happy to :D

Good luck and have hope :)

Answer #3

I know how you feel,kinda.I get yelled at all the time by my dad. I know thats nothing compared to what your going through.I know its tough but you have to tell someone.If she did it again would you call the cops like you said. I know you dont want to tell anyone but people could help. people could get her therapy or something. then it could all be over with.

Answer #4

you dont need to hurt her, but if your unhappy then you should do whats best for you and put aside feelings for your family. they love you and would want you to be happy.

and just by telling a conselor or a trusted adult will make you feel better. they can lead you in the right direction.

Answer #5

I know you say that you are going to distroy the fami;y but you can’t live like this anymore, Meaby starting off whit a school councelor and have him or her help you out on telling your perents you need to tell someone and have your sister pay for what she has done… Plese tell someone… It’s horrable to have to keep secrets like these one’s


Answer #6

I’m not looking to hurt her. I love my sister. I just need everything to stop. I’m all messed up. Once I got mad and told my parents and they just sweeped it under the carpet.

Answer #7

I don’t know what you can do anymore. You might have waited to long. You should have told along time ago. If she ever does it again, don’t warn her, simply just call the cops

Answer #8

number one: do not blame yourself. When your young you dont really know whats happening. I know what its like and just know its not your fault. Your sister needs help and so do you.

If you love your sister underneath all that she has done to you, and if you respect yourself enough talk. Bottling it up will drive you crazzy! Telling your parent would be really hard so you might want to talk to a councler first. stay strong.

good luck, hope I helped(:

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