What should I do about this moron?

there is this guy in my science class that sits next to me and is SOOO annoying! I would be doing my work, for example, and out of nowhere, he’d be like “be quiet and do your work” then I’d be like “I didn’t say anything” and he’d be like “stop talking to me” and I’d be like “leave me alone, I have to do my work” and he’d be like “shut up.”

also, he like takes my pens or pencils, while I’m using them, then I have 2 like ask him multiple times before I get it back. he does the same to my friend who sits behind him. he wont stop talking to me, does he have no friends or something?

today, we had to do this science lab and me, him, and my friend were placed in a group 2gether and he did nothing while we did all of the work and the teacher came over and was like, your group is behind everyone else. I wanted 2 scream! he kept critisizing the way I did things and I was like “then you do it” and he was like “no, you can do it.” after we finished the lab, very nicely, as the teacher put it, he just recorded the results. he didn’t even help clean up.

he does this primarily to me, for some reason and says to my friend, who he also harrasses (but not as much), she’s so much fun to annoy…why is he doing this? I never did anything mean to him. I’m nice to everyone. what can I do about this?


Answer #1

Could this guy possibly have a crush on you? Some guys are not very good at expressing their emotions and the only way they can communicate with the opposite sex is by joking around.

When I was in 10th grade there was this guy that did this all the time except at the lunch table. He would all of a sudden just start eating my lunch, if I got up to the restroom and left my food there by the time that I got back it would all be gone and so would he. I learned later on that he had a crush on me, and he never admitted it, even after I would tell him “I know you like me but can’t you get the hint that I don’t like you” I wouldn’t tell him like in a serious way, just kinda joking around. He eventually just got over it, got a girlfriend who was just as childish as he was and finally left me alone.

Have you tried turning things around on him, like try taking his pencil away and after he asks for it back, break it.

He probably jokes around on your friend just to play off that he has a thing for you. I mean put yourself in his place, if you were a guy, how would you tell a girl that you like her? Its not that easy.

Answer #2

Get over it. If he takes your pencils, tell the teacher and move somewhere else. If he tells you to “be quiet” when you haven’t said a word, ignore him. The worse thing you can do in this situation is act like a child (as you have done). Grow up lovestruck7233.

Answer #3

that’s EXACTLY what one of my friends said, I really dont want to believe it, but I’ll keep it in mind. he’s just such a JERK!

lol, he ATE your LUNCH? how rude can you get? wow.

I’ll try turning things around 2morrow, but pray 4 me that he is sick or something…

I gues you’re right, but cant he just be nice like a normal human being? he’s makin my life a living hell! I have enough to deal with: trying 2 talk 2 and see my crush, helping my friend with her crush, tests, homework, grades, friends, chores at home, this weirdo in my spanish class who keeps STARING at me like a psycho…

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