Why be so mean to fat people?

My mum (‘mom’) is a very large lady. She is an Australian size 24 which is an American size…20? (I think). She has always ignored the fact that she is overweight and continued to eat poorly and not excersise at all. She has been watching how I transformed myself (I used to be fat and now I’m slim) and I think it has inspired her. I’ve tried to be motivating for her as I want her to be healthy.

So she recently agreed to do some excersise with me. She has a bad knee which limits her on what she can do. I suggested swimming would be good as it would be less pressure on her joints. She was worried that people might stare at her in the pool and I told her not to be stupid, we would go to my gym where everyone is really nice and understands why you are there. So we get to the pool and get in our bathers and start swimming. After having been there for only 10 minutes I see a group of 3 boys walk in and begin to stare. They stare and then start pointing and laughing at my mum. At first she doesn’t notice, but when they yell out “Whale!” she of course realises what is happening. I have never been so angry. I give them the death stare and hope that my mum ignores them. No, she is getting out of the pool and into the changeroom. It really upset her and now she refuses to excersise again. We are back to square one purely because those stupid morons decide to be nasty to her.

WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MEAN TO FAT PEOPLE? It’s not like she was sitting down eating heaps of burgers or something. She was trying to fix her weight problem for her health, yes, but also so people would stop being so nasty all the time!

Answer #1

I dont mean to sound cleashay (or however the heck you spell that) but they only do it because they dont understand them. For all they know she could be fat because of a disease she could be fat because of laziness and gluttany. it doesent nessecarly meen they are try to hurt her feelings.

Answer #2

I -completly agree people need to mind their own buisness, for now try just eating healthy with her maybe if she drops some weight with that she’ll be confident enough to try again,

Answer #3

First Im really sorry to hear that happened to your mom. Im sure those boys acted that way because they dont understand, or they had crappy parents that didnt teach them the proper way of treating someone.. Or they did it because they (the boys) have someone in their life that is a bigger person that makes them feel down on themselves, all in all its a bad situation and the fact that your mom got hurt from it is horrible. Swimming is the best thing for her because it takes all the pressure off of the joints and is a full body workout, maybe until your mom feels better about herself layoff the pool idea… at my gym we have an eliptical machine, it kinda looks like a glider/running thing.. I have knee pain and thats the one machine I can use all the time and it never hurts when Im done.. then maybe after you mom has lost a few pounds have her give the pool a try again.. most importantly she needs you as her cheerleader.. to help boost her self esteem. another thing, did you know that just by cutting out soda and juices and coffee you could shed 5-10 pounds, start eating better meals with your mom and instead of just eating 3 meals a day have her start eating more like 5 small meals and drink water, it keeps ya hydrated plus its secret is it makes you feel full, more than likely she is bigger and doesnt exersize or eat right because she doesnt know how too, no one ever taught her..

Good luck, and I hope you help your mom :)

Answer #4

They think that by making in front of those that are down that it will make them look good,well to me it’s not cool at all,I myself take insults like a compliment because it tells me that they are jealous about something in me. If those boys were in your moms shoes,they would know what it feels like to be made in front of,overweight people have feelings to but according to them they don’t give a rats butt.

Try to get your mom back to the gym,if those same boys do the same thing again,YOU get out fo the pool and set them straight and show them who’s boss cause your trying to get your mom healthy again and people like that just have no heart for those who are trying there hardest,don’t give up on it!

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