What should I do about Easter?

Is Easter exclusively for kids? I’m wondering whether or not to get my parents some stuff for Easter :)

Answer #1

Considering that Easter is the celebration of the day Jesus was resirected from the cave, I would say that anyone anywhere is free to celebrate it if that is what they want to do. I really beleive it should be more of an adult holiday, or atleast someone who is old enough to understand what they are celebrating.

Answer #2

yess!! :) get your parents an easter gift even if its just a small chocolate rabbit im sure theyd appreciate it and feel loved…youve inspired me lol im going to buy my mom something for easter I think:) shes been down in the dumps lately so its the perfect idea!!

Answer #3

Easter isn’t Easter without chocolate shaped eggs and massive chocolate rabbits and delicious hot cross buns with lots of butter on them. You could get your parents these, if they ‘forgot’ to eat these goodies, you can pig out instead. ;)

Answer #4

Yeah get your parents something! It will be nice and they will feel loved :) Get them a wee chocolate bunny with a bow on it or something. They will really appreciate it.

Answer #5

research the true meaning of Easter and then decide on a gift

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