What mythical creature?

What mythical creature should I write about and were should they live?

Answer #1

You should write about a mermaid that lives in the pond near your house. Nobody knows about her but you, and you periodically bring her her favorite food. You have to sneak out of your house after the rest of your family goes to bed to go see her. She has long blonde hair that has seaweed braided into it. She can read your mind and the two of you become really close. Your mom suspects something is going on, so she has an awkward conversation with you about boys, but you still go and see the mermaid. Then you feel like you should tell someone, but the mermaid reads your mind and tells you not to tell. You still want to tell someone, so she decides to keep you quiet by wiping your brain.

Hah. I got carried away. It might be fun to have a mermaid living in the pond behind your house, though. I’ve always wanted one.

Answer #2

they should live in a magical forest where crazy a*s things happen. and you should make up your own creature. make it totally original. maybe something like Mr. what’s his face from Narnia. that cute little dude at the beginning? but maybe make him dark & evil/ scary looking. but of course, most of them are sweet harts. (:

Answer #3

I’ve always had problems with authors taking established mythical creatures(anything from greek mythology to Tolkien lore) and twisting them to their own designs(example, television shows like buffy the vampire slayer, or harry potter with a basilisk that is a snake instead of a walking lizard). I just ask that if you use a creature already invented, research the lore(novels, mythology) that it was created in and follow it as best as possible. If you are really creative and can make your own, that would be even more awesome.

Answer #4

thats a good idea thanx

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