What level horseback rider am I ?

Well I’ve been riding for 11 years I can walk , trot, loap,gallop + I can barrel race I have a very hard horse I’m one of two people who can ride him me and my instructer for every one alse he just sits there so please tell me I have to know so I can enter this one contest

Answer #1

there are differnet levels of horsemanship, with many definitions. Usually in clubs or in show circuts there is beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Some other terms are novice, master and seasoned.

HOw much do you know about husbandry, situations, training, showing, exhibitationism, biological knowledge etc.

Unless you are an experienced breeder, trainer or even an instructor, I would dare say that you are somewhere between beginner and intermediate.

Answer #2

no body will be able to determine that except for yourself and your instructor, ask your instructor.

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