What is wrong with my stomach?

About two weeks ago, I started getting cramps in my stomach, so as you do, just assumed I was about to ‘come on’. But it’s been two weeks now, which is unusual for me, and the churning, sqeezing sickly sensation has been almost constant, and I’m about a week late. However, I’m quite thin so my cycle isn’t always the same (a bit unpredictable)

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend about 2/3 weeks ago, could it have something to do with it? Don’t bother telling me it was stupid, I know that it was stupid, VERY stupid, and I’m pretty ashamed of myself, I just want to see what’s up.

Answer #1

you can possibly be pregnant or your period is reacting to your acyions you and your boyfriend took on. take a preg. test to make sure.

Answer #2

Possibility Is Pregnancy Also You Need To Check This Out Properly Go See A Doctor

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