what is this thing on my dogs leg?

my dogg has a wart like cist thingy on his leg now I dont want to go to the vet because it runs me about 600 dollars has anyones dog had this problem. he likes licking it a lot and it continues to grow sometimes it bleeds only when he bites it. a friend of mine says that I should just slice it off that his dogs have had the same thing but I dont want to hurt him. I love my dog dearly but my wallet is empty. please help let me know what do you think would be the second best thing to do because I know the first would be to take him to the vet but like I said no dinero.

Answer #1

bleed to death, get infected, worse…they all lead to death

Answer #2

worst case scenario what would happen if I cut it?

Answer #3

a. dont slice it off b. have you looked into pet insurance?

Answer #4

it might be cancer or a tumor

Answer #5

uhm yeah… what ez said… if it gets infected you need to take it to the doctor, an infection is going to cost way more than them taking off whatever it is… and if it gets bad, the dog could lose her leg, or die… also, unless it’s an operation (and I’ve paid for an operation and it cost $400) I’m not sure why it would cost $600 to go to the vet…

Answer #6

If your vet charges $600 just for an office visit, then you need to find a new vet. If you decide to excise the growth yourself, then you are inflicting pain on your dog. If you excise it yourself, the growth could have a vein feeding into it and the dog could bleed to death. Also, it could be cancerous and need further treatment. It is expensive to own a dog. If you are not able to afford a vet’s bill then you should perhaps find a new owner that can afford treatment when the animal needs it. At the least, see a vet.

Answer #7

Ditto to Utopia…about going to the wrong Vet…Is that his normal charge for a walk in visit??

Is it large? Small? Hard? Soft? Where on his leg is it? Is the dog limping from it? It could be one of a number of things…even if it’s not malignant, it can still grow, and get increasingly uncomfortable for you pup…Call another Vet, or ask friends what Vet they go to, and if they like their Vet.

Your friend has been lucky not to kill a dog, or cause one to lose a leg…(now THAT’S expensive!)…


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