What is this thing happening to me ???

This is the internet and its one of the many options I have.But I’m isabel a creative,smart,funny,creative,musicloving, girl who lives in La.But I have my weird times .Every occasion ends up in numbers that pretty much freaks me out.EXA.My bestest friend that passes though the same things.Her fav number is 7 mine is 5, 5+7=12 thats pretty much the thing that creeps me out everything no matter what always ends up in these number 1,3,5,7,9,12,15,17 Yeah there are all even Except 12 hellooo 2012 2+)+1+2 = 5 my number maybe its coincedence to you but to me no no no Oh well the numbers I said add them up and I am pretty sure you receive 57 How strange right ? And as always I’m one of those childs when little thought I’m special I have powers and a warrior and all that lol crazzy but I was like that .I also well see creepy shadows and sometimes pretend to have powers and all that Srry this is long but its my life.all right carrying on I also have a heart that I see in my dreams and I found it I have it with me always just in case.I also always get weird vibes in my living room somebodys protecting me until 15 and well ill be that in 2012 again wats up with that and I should probably I’m deeply terrfied of weird stuff like slow mechanic stuff open spaces like the sky and the apocalypse HELP ??? I’ll love you eternaly no matter if I do not know you lol which is possible hehe

Answer #1

man your mean I will never do drugs in my life ever but I know I’ll get tempted to drink a little when I grow more but whatever I dont need people telling me rude comments this is paranormal I dont like science no offense for those peoples with the reiligin that science is everything but I want opinions on yours but not mean opinions please :(

Answer #2

um okay what ever drug your on I want it lol

you need to go to a crazy house for realsz

Answer #3

XD toadaly lol

Answer #4

You are making an association that simply doesn’t exist. 5 and 7 are both small numbers, which means they are going to show up a lot. Try changing your number to 89765653221 and see how often that shows up instead.

Answer #5

Prime numbers are very interesting. I personally thing that the mathematics of the natural universe are based on the permutations of prime numbers. Perhaps you are seeing what I see sometimes; the strange, conveniently simple prime equations that surround us in this reality.

The number twelve is very symbolic and because our scale of time is based on twelve and it’s multiples; hours, months, zodiac signs.

You should look into Numerology and calendars of ancient civilizations.

Answer #6

Prime numbers are very interesting. I personally think that the mathematics of the natural universe are based on the permutations of prime numbers. Perhaps you are seeing what I see sometimes; the subtle, conveniently simple prime equations that surround us in this reality.

The number twelve is very symbolic and prevalent in our life because our scale of time, among other things, is based on twelve and it’s multiples; hours, months, zodiac signs, baking…

You should look into Numerology and calendars of ancient civilizations. Keep digging if you think there’s something to be found.

Answer #7

your just siecoe and I have noo idea what your talkin aboutt

Answer #8

is this like the number 23?

Answer #9

Man…what have you been smoking?

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