What is the "rule" for grinding?

I just got a boyfriend on monday, he is really nice and sweet and he really likes me and I like him. I had this conference thing that I have had to go to for the past three or so days and this guy has been flirting with me a little. So at the dance tonight he started grinding with me and I kinda let him for a minute and then stopped dancing, turned around and told him that I have a boyfriend. He left and that was that. But this kid from my school saw, and plus the fact that I feel really guilty I think I am going to tell my boyfriend. I’m planning on saying something like “This guy tried to grind with me, but then I told him I have a boyfriend, just thought you should know”. is that good? I just feel really badly about it.

Answer #1

girl, dont tell your boyfriend lol if he doesnt have to know, then why tell him?

Answer #2

Tell him. Tell him when you two are alone and tell him exactly what happened and that you told the guy ‘No’. It’s far better coming straight from you rather than a rumour. Don’t lie either, otherwise his trust will go down the drain. Also if you tell him it makes it look like you have nothing to hide and therefore haven’t done anything wrong, whereas if you don’t tell him and he finds out he’ll think you’ve done something worse and you’re trying to hid it from him. This happened to my friend, she didn’t tell her boyfriend what happened, then the rumours began and she lied and said she hadn’t done anything, then she told him what REALLY happened and now they’re both miserable and he doesn’t trust her at all, and has had a go at his best friend because he thought they were flirting. I’ve lost count of how many times she cried in that week. Tell him. Hope I helped. x

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