What is the problem.

I have asked a similar question, and questions like this usually make a big arguement, so I apologize ahead of time. But I really wanna know. Can anyone (especially people who do not like wicca) tell me why they believe wicca is wrong. And here is the real challenge… You have to answer it without referencing the bible, the christian god, etc. Oh and I might as well ask this. Different topic but I dont wanna ask another question so Question #2 To those that dislike gay people (my brother is gay and he gets a lot of horrible comments and gets death threats) Why do dislike them? And again, no bible, christian god, etc

So do tell. Why?

Answer #1

I just LOVE that you asked this question. Its one that everyone wants to ask but nobody has the guts to ask it because it almost has a guarantee in ending in a fight. Lol, personally I think that anyone who cannot accept gay people are just small minded and just plain horrible people, no matter what you believe in, gays are PEOPLE just like you, just like me. I actually do not understand how they cannot understand that :/

and heres an explanation of wicca for those people who have no idea what it actually is…

wicca is not evil, we do not worship satan, and we don’t put ‘hexes’ or ‘curses’ on people.

whatever the internet says, it is not a cult, and we don’t boil up frog’s legs in a cauldron and fly on broom-sticks.

Okay, I just thought id sort that out first. Wicca is a beautiful religion, we live by the phrase ‘an if ye harm none; do what ye wilt’ which pretty much means do what you want as long as you are not hurting anyone by it. anyone- means anything. people, animals, nature etc. Wiccans do use magick, but true wiccans only use white magic, to benefit other people. healing injuries finding happiness etc. some people use black magick and claim to be wiccan but they are just naiieve people who like the idea of rebelling against their friends. you’ll often find that they are about 15 years old, and have a tshirt that says ‘all hail satan’. these people are not wiccan.

the whole wiccan religion is about loving everyone for who they are, its about acceptance and finding happiness within yourself. wiccans just want to live their lives, they are everyday people, we don’t live in secret societies. we live as a normal human being, because we are. these days there are wiccans everywhere- they just don’t preach or brag about their religion.

People always hear wiccan and immediately think of sabrina the teenage witch and harry potter, and with all the occult tv shows coming out these days, who can blame them. the things on television often warp our minds, showing us cults of people cutting their wrists and drinking blood and weird things like that and then saying oh yeah thats wicca, when it isnt.

so yeah, just have an open mind, and accept wiccans as we are not wanting to harm anyone, most of us wish that christians would leave us alone, instead of getting into huge fights all the time. im not telling anyone to be wiccan or anything, just accept us that are.

blessed be, x.

Answer #2

ok its rllly hard to not include bible ect.. but ill try! hah first I dont hate gays. they choose to be in love with the same genders but watevr! but I mean disincluding bible (shoot ah) its juss abnormal! I mean you have different sexes and you choose the same. its like not a normal thing. plus I mean no offesne but to some its kinda gross. or weird. because think bout havin sex, ummm you can only have real sex and get a child I f you had different body types and gender… you know what I mean? srry if its too weird ahhaha but then again its there choice- if ther happy tehn people should respect there spaces and get the hell ou tof there buisness :)

and the other one. well this is wrong! I may include god in this becasue it needs to be involved, I don’t know if I will thou haha. like well they choose to satisfy them selves and the DEVIL! you know who the devil is??? hes the bad guy! plus they do spells sometimes then can curse someone and thats how sometimes peopel can be possessed. trust me I know! I’ve seen and yeah. its juss wrong its like a cursiong religion. juss negativing others and hurting them. not bringing them to happinesss, peace or safety you know?

Answer #3

there is no truth but G-ds Word. my opinion doesnt matter and neither does anyone elses.

Answer #4

“I came to believe in an all loving creator who gave us this beauty around us” You do realize that wiccans believe that a God and Goddess created the universe, right? The biblical faith isn’t the only one that believes in a creator.

Answer #5

Everyone has some method of distinguishing right from wrong. It separates us from other species. When you’ve tried other religions, including Buddhism, dabbled in the occult, and come up empty…and then Jesus finds you and it radically changes everything you came to know about yourself and your world…why would I not want to use that as a barometer? A true relationship with God has changed me, dramatically and it has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with love. Which means I do not reject you because you are a wiccan, I love you. I do not reject you because you’re gay, I love you. Just as I do not reject you because you’re a heterosexual having sex outside of marriage. Having standards, knowing right from wrong, is not a bad thing. It’s essential for our society to prosper. Our Founding Fathers knew about witchcraft. Did they incorporate those ideas into our founding documents? No. And not all of the Founders were Christians either. But they understood the importance of having a mutually agreed upon system of values.

Answer #6

ok so I cannot believe some of the answers im getting.

If gay is good why can’t it produce babies? That is the reproductive systems only role

oooh wow. So from that I understand that any relationship that doesnt end up resulting in babies isnt right or really legitament (sp)? A relationship isnt JUST about making carbon copies and more mouths to feed and add to the worlds growing population. What about finding somebody to spend the rest of your life with? Wow.

We have perverted sex into A whole different monster.

maybe, but your the one that seems to think that love isnt important, just baby making. thats a different kinda perverted thinking right there. Here we go evolving backwards RIGHT back to basic caveman thinking

Answer #7

Of course the first thing any deviant personality type wants to do is dismiss any low opion on their ideals as bible thumper related. God forbid there be an actual thought out reason for being against something. Case in point wicca is frowned upon simply due to idiots eating up cultural images of witches, dont bother to actually learn anything thus wicca bad. Homsexuality is just to big a topic to tackle here, but id like to leave this thought. If gay is good why can’t it produce babies? That is the reproductive systems only role. Continuation of the species. We have perverted sex into A whole different monster. Oh and religious people aren’t they only intolorent garbage out there. And im agnostic so you cant throw that back at me

Answer #8

If gay is good why can’t it produce babies?

What kind of stupid question is that?

That is the reproductive systems only role.

No it isn’t…

Continuation of the species.

The world is overpopulated. Reproduction is no longer a top priority, and not everyone want to reproduce either.

Answer #9

That depends in what sense you meant ‘wrong’. If you mean ‘morally wrong’, then you’re right - you can’t really come up with objective criteria under which wicca is morally wrong. If you mean ‘wrong’ as in ‘not correct’, then we merely need to empirically show that it promotes beliefs that are objectively false.

Answer #10

“I’m a christian. and I believe having sex with the same sex and witchcraft is evil.” Why do you believe it’s evil?

Answer #11

I love how the only people who have responded to this are the people that dont feel strongly against homosexuals or wiccans. guess the christian extremists arn’t feeling up to it

Answer #12

im not against any of the two. I think people may be against wicca or homosexuality because these are not part of their religious upbringing. I do think its unfair for wiccans or gays because each of us has a right to believe and love freely.

Answer #13

I was wicacn for a good chunk of my life, but I’ve learned both christian and wiccan ways and I’ve setted on a balance between the two. you cant talk of one religion withour referencing another because they were all created out of each other. I dont believe its evil I rather embrace it, but there is a balancing act to it. ps. gay people can do whatever I dont really care I just dont wanna know about it.

Answer #14

exactly. if the only reason people are against them is because of the Bible then im going to continue my low expectation of humanity lol im mad and irritated and wanna see what people can come up with thats why I put this up :)

Answer #15

Let me preface by saying that I categorically reject all supernatural concepts.

That said, I think wicca (or any religion for that matter) is fine for those who realize it is not objectively true, but is instead a way to satiate emotional aspects of human life.

But if you think that it is “real”, then you’ve misunderstood it, and it may be more harmful than good in that situation.

Answer #16

‘As for ‘gays’, I do not hate them. I do not hate adulterers either. I believe that the behavior is wrong, and just because one has feelings in that direction, it does not mean that one has to act on those feelings, or that those feelings are right.’

nope, you don’t hate homosexuals… you just equate a loving relationship between two consenting adults to someone who cheats on their spouse…

heck no, you don’t hate homosexuals… you just judge and condemn their feelings…

gosh, if everyone could be as ‘accepting’ of homosexuals as you…

Answer #17

Well, I do not ‘hate wiccans’, I once believed in the wicca way. Wiccans worship creation…this world came from somewhere, as it did not happen from a collision of atoms and random coagulation of matter. I came to believe in an all loving creator who gave us this beauty around us As for ‘gays’, I do not hate them. I do not hate adulterers either. I believe that the behavior is wrong, and just because one has feelings in that direction, it does not mean that one has to act on those feelings, or that those feelings are right.

Answer #18

‘If gay is good why can’t it produce babies? ‘

what about the heterosexual couples that are unable to reproduce?

‘That is the reproductive systems only role. Continuation of the species. ‘

that is pretty funny coming from a guy who thinks (in response to a question from a 13 year old girl about ways to sexually please a guy)…

‘13 huh?…thats a good age to learn’

so homosexuality is bad because it does not produce children… but 13 is a good age for a girl to learn different ways to please a guy…

you claim to be agnostic so the ‘against homosexuality for religious reasons’ is out… then you must be homophobic…

or just a plain old, run of the mill, sick bas*ard, getting off on the idea of young girls having sex but condemning others…

Answer #19

I’m Complitly not againd any of those things, I just believe that everybody believes what they do and it’s their life, you live it how ever you want to. I know wht you said but some people just think is what god dosent want, but you know what I think, That out there there is worser people that do worser things and that is what god dosent really want. I myself have gay friends and I find them friendly and great friends! I can be best friends and tell them everything! I see nothing wrong whit that! I usually even find them better best friends than girls! Don’t ask me why!

I just don’t Judge> But ofcourse that is just my opinion! But I guess people should just realize that for a moment, that is why I have so much friendS!!!

Answer #20

ps. I’m a christian. and I believe having sex with the same sex and witchcraft is evil. but I also dont really give a crap and would be friends with people who do such things anyhow. infact, a few of my friends are lesbian. ;) real christians love everyone. there are some super strict LAME christians who are like omg omg a gay person ew hes gunna burn in hell I wanna watch him die, but no. thats stupid!

Answer #21

You’re kind of setting unfair grounds for people to answer. Because more often than not, people who consider witchcraft and homosexuality to be immoral/evil/etc. (especially on this site) are typically conservative Christians. And their main reason for BEING against homosexuals and witchcraft IS the Bible.

Even though the Bible also provides plenty of scriptural evidence AGAINST intolerance as well… but they tend to skip over those parts… ň___ň

Answer #22

I’m sure someone will come up with some untrue bullsh*t

Point blank, they’re not either so it’s hard for them to comprehend why or how someone can be that way. They cannot grasp that not everyone shares their way of thinking. So they tend to believe that people who are not like them are rebellious and must have some sort of ulterior motive behind being how they are, rather than just truly being that way.

Answer #23

oh, you said extremist. I’m not one. extremists are lame.

Answer #24

captain assasin is correct.

Answer #25

deepbeauty16 wiccans dont even believe in the devil yet alone worship him and yes they do spells, but they are no different than what you do when you pray, we are simply directing our energy towards a GOOD outcome. also, a wiccans number one rule is “and if it harm none, do what ye will”

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