What is the best dog for an apartment?

I have an apartment that is around 700 sq feet. What is the best dog for an apartment? What should I consider for a climate in the bay area california?

Answer #1

pomeranians………….they’re the absolute cute little dogs, very intelligent, and small enough to not drag you everywhere…….

but also depends on what type of dog you want? what I mean is “size, weight, how much fur? trainability, lazy/sparky, easily accessible by children?”

lots of factors, and two major ones are, Food, and Veterenarian service costs…….

the bigger the dog the more you’ll pay for the same things you would get done with a smaller dog………definitely a bigger dog will consume more food than a small one, and would also be harder to handle in a pet grooming salon as a smaller dog……..

finally when you’ve decided, go looking for the characteristics you are looking for, especially make sure to log online and see if the dogs have a tendency of certain doggy diseases(like what are genetic concerns of a certain breed and if they are prone to contract certain diseases or hip/joint dislocations) then whoever you buy it from make sure they are members of the AKC, or atleast the pup’s parents are……

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, if you buy from a third party, ALWAYS demand to see the parents, because that will give you a good idea of the dog’s characteristics when they grow up………

just a little info here, lemme know if you have specific questions

hope this helps………..caio

Answer #2

well i have a jack russel terrier, and besides running a little bit she is great in the house. she doesnt mess with much, and is small so she aint knocking everything over in a small place. i think she would be great in an apartment

Answer #3

No matter what kind of dog you get be ready to walk it every day for at least 45 minutes excessive energy leads to barking.

Answer #4

for every dog you buy from a breeder another one sits -lonely- in a shelter or labratory cage.

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