What is she worth?

I want to sell my dog but I dont know what a good asking price would be for her. She is about 1 and a half years old, she is a westie-schnauzer mix, and has had 1 litter of puppies.

Answer #1

I’m hoping that you’re asking this, because you want to find a good home for her…so a price that would be a bit of an investment, but not so high that no one will even look at her. $50…that would be a start, if she’s housetrained, and spayed.

Contact your local Humane Society, and see if they will post her on their web page…letting them know that you will keep her at home until someone is interested in her.

She sounds like she’s probably pretty cute, and full of personality. Why do you want to get rid of her?


Answer #2

D: why do you want to sell your dog? D: That’s so sad… And it really doesn’t depend on what bread they are, it mostly depends on how they act. you can go to a dog shelter nearest you and ask them. (make sure to bring your dog…or maybe you wont need to…?) where do you sells animals anyways? off of craigslist? That would be weird… You should just go to… Craigslist? And have the people bet. (sorry if that makes no sense to you)

Answer #3

D: Why do you want to sell your dog?? DD: )): That’s heartbreaking ): You might not think so, but once you get rid of her, you’ll probably regret it.

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