What is he doing? How am I supposed to respond?

So the past two days I have been hanging out wit my new and first boyfriend. The first night, our first date, we went to the movies wit his cousin whom is also my best friends boyfriend, and he like grabbed at my personal area. I didn’t like it, but then I realized he was just aimin for my hand. So I just kinda brushed it off. But then he did it again, and I just gave him this look that said, “ Uhm, I don’t thikn so.” then he kinda just started rubbing my upper and inner thigh. then, when he took me home he got all handsy. Like he was first just rubbin my lower back and then his hands started to creep below my jeans. I pushed his hands away and he said he was sorry, then he gave me a hug and tried to kiss me twice. Both times I didn’t really do anything and he didn’t kiss me…what am I supposed to do if he does all this stuff again?! Cause I really like him, just I dont like his hands all over me. specially on the first date!…please please please HELP!!!

Answer #1

if you don’t like it tell him that is shouldnt be a big problem. you could even explain that he your first boyfriend so things like touchin gnna take a while a long while.

Answer #2

Wow I’m thinking he’s taking things tooo fast ! Just like tell him or ask him that he is. I don’t think he will mind. I mean If he really like you he has to respect how you feel. Right? Be like “ I think we shud take Things slow” if he makes like a mad or like a confused face… Be like “ I mean I really don’t mind wih you doing that but let’s wait a while” unless if your not comfortable with this later… Then just tell him you don’t like it. Goood luck.!

Answer #3

thanks for the advice!!

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