How am I suppose to respond?

Im 17 and moved to a new town a couple years ago, about a year in I met this girl here, we’ll call her r. Well me and are went out and at first I didnt care to much about her, I used to have the player attitude towards life and was very cold. We broke up after a few weeks, then a year later we got back together. We broke up again two months ago becuase she said she wasnt constantly thinking about me all the time any more and didnt want to lead me on.

So as I said I was very cold, but she changed that, you can proberly guess how we both felt. So it took me a good 3 weeks to pull myself together, I can now honestly say, I doubt I will ever “get over” her, but im as over her as I will ever be. I thought she was totaly over me, but last night she confronted me and said that one of her guy friends had said I still like her, so I didnt deny it, and she made me list out all her bad qualities, which I did so and wasn’t kind about it either , I also addressed her old fear that she wasnt “ my dream girl” and I explained that I loved the bad bits about her just as much as the good, and that she was better than any random concotion of personality traits becuase she was real. I said all I wanted was to be friends, and that I wouldn’t try to make a move. Then she hits me with, “ everytime I see you, it bring things up.”

Now id dismissed all these things previously but she has recently(since we broke up) told me my birthday ( where she met my family) was the best night of her life, sent me a text saying “ lol I want you ;)” to which I replyed, you had your chance, and she said she was joking. *we went out with a group of friends and I constantly cuaght her looking at me like every 5 seconds, no exageration.

  • after we broke up she got really depressed suposedly and thats why she started spending a lot of time with this guy.
  • that guy turned out to be very simalar to me,

The only guy she likes now is this 13 yr old, and shes 15, ( yeh I know a bit wierd)

I had totaly given myself over to the idea that at the very best I could only be her friend, thing is now im not so sure any more. Someone tell me I’ve not gone mad please :d

Answer #1

Wow, that was a long story, I read every word and sadly enough, I have been in the same situation! So I know how ya feel. Well…I’ll try and analyze this for you from a girl’s perspective because I’m a girl, and it seems as thought a girl’s advice is what would be most helpful at this point. Okay…umm, when you went out with that group of friends, and you saw her constantly glancing at you…that was because she was thinking about a lot right then and was wondering if you were thinking about her at all (we girls do that a lot). LOL! And for the text that she send you saying that she wants you…she did that to see what your reply to something like that would be because she was trying to tell if you were actually all the way over her or just acting like you were. When she said that the night she met your family was the best night of her life…that was because, at one point, in her mind, she was probably thinking about your relationship pretty seriously and maybe imagined staying with you for a long time, so she said that meeting your family was amazing! I hope this is making sense, sorry, girl brains are kinda complicated and weird, I know! And she started hanging with that other guy right after you two broke up because she was really sad over the break up, and wanted to find the closest thing to you as she could find (I’ve even done that one before). Sooo, I could keep babiling on about why she did this and why she did that, but, being that I am I chick, and I know how chick brains work, I’ll just give ya the straight up truth…she still really has feelings for you, strong feelings, and I think the feelings she has for you kinda scare her a little and make her want to stay away and try her hardest not to get into anything with you. So, you can go on and analyze this to the point where your brain hurts and all you do is think about her and lose sleep over it, or you can just take the truth for what it is and try to use it to your advantage. She still has feelings for you. And by the way, I’m sorry she’s puttin ya through this, if you changed as much as you said you have, then I’ll bet you’re a pretty amazing guy and you dont deserve to go thought this. I hope what I said helped and that it gets better! If you’d like to talk it over more, you can always FunMail me. I’ll be here. Later

Answer #2

to add to this, recently me and a friend were talking about getting a flat and he mentioned that he and rosey had mentioned getting a flat together becuase they couldnt afford one on their own, and he asked me to tell her that she was still more than welcome to live with the two of us, I said “oh we can live on different sleep pattens so she didnt have to see me”,and she said “ no ill live with you” and started talking to me about where she would sleep :S

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