What is better hamsters or ferrets?

I can get another pet and I dont no if I should get a hamster or a ferret

Answer #1

Please keep in mind that neither is inherently better, and it depends entirely on what you are looking for in a pet. Additionally, hamsters and ferrets are nothing alike.

Hamsters are rodents, they are prey animals and as such are naturally fearful, they don’t require large cages or frequent time outside the cage, they are overall easy to maintain, but they aren’t particularly interactive.

Ferrets are not rodents, they are members of the family carnivora, and are in fact more closely related to dogs than cats are. Ferrets are a domestic species from a predatory ancestor. They require a large cage with many places to sleep. They can be litterbox trained and trained to walk on a leash. They are extremely social animals and will become depressed if you don’t interact with them for at least an hour everyday outside of the cage. Most require nip training because as kits, their mouth is hot they explore the world. Ferrets have thick skin and roughhouse together a lot when they play, but they don’t realize that humans don’t have thick skin so when they play with people (unless taught not to bite) they may bite painfully without realizing they are hurting you. If you have a ferret, you need to ferret-proof your house because they are extremely curious and will get into everything. Lastly, you can not feed a ferret veggies, nuts, or fruit because they can only digest meat based products. Non-meat products could easily end up blocking their intestines leading to a painful death.

Answer #2

Hamsters. I’ve had both, and I prefer hamsters over ferrets.

Answer #3

I Own Both. I Don’t Know How Old You Are,, But They Both Are Amazing Ferrets Are a lot Of Work! Hamsters Are Less Work And Make a lot Of Noise A Night.

Answer #4

For your age a hamster would be better. A ferret needs companionship and play time. They need to be able to run free out of their cage. Before anyone buys a ferret they should do extensive research on how to care for one and ferret proof a house. Also, ferrets are on of the only animals that can catch and pass on common illnesses like the flu etc.

Hamsters are more get and forget pets that don’t require all the knowledge and time a ferret needs to live happily.

Answer #5

if it’s yur first time, I’d go with hamsters. a lot easier, although ferrets are cute, I still think hamsters are better(x easier to take care of, cheaper, less things youh need. oh well but that’s just my opinion.

Answer #6


Answer #7

ferrets… you could play with them…

Answer #8


Hamsters are too common.

Answer #9

get a hamster b/c ferrets are very very very very very very very very stanky

Answer #10

I think that hamsters are better personally , but ferrets are pretty good pets to , either way there both cute.

Answer #11

Hamster .. There the cutest things ever ! .. I’ve got 3… Xo:)

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