What is a epidural

What is a epodarl? Does it have something 2 do with haveing kids?

Answer #1

An epidural is when they take a needle and stick it up your spine while you in labor its supposed to numb you. My mom had an epidural and it so did not work for her. It lasted for about five minutes and then it wore off on one side and it was twice as bad on the other! :9 It effects everyone differently though Good luck to ya! :)

Answer #2

Yes, it works if you get it put in in time. For my first child I had one put in at 5 centimeters, by the time it was in I was already at 10 centimeters (5 centimeters in a half hour). For the next 2 babies I had I didn’t even bother with an epidural or any other pain medication. My labor with my middle child was 10 hours and 29 for my third child. I made it through natural childbirth for 3 children.

What’s a little pain when you’re bringing a new life into the world?

Answer #3

its pretty genius really. It goes into the dura part of the spinal cord (hence the name, epidural) and acts on all the nerves coming off the spinal cord, blocking transmission of signals from the brain. Only thing that scares me about it is that HUGE NEEDLE they use to administer it!

Answer #4

I had an epidural when I had my caesar for my son!! it was the wierdest feeling not being able to move my legs and not feeling then, after birth when I saw the nurses moving my legs for the first time I nearly freaked because they looked like 2 rubber legs that didnt belong to me!! it was horrible!!!
but I had a local anaesthetic done first into my back where they also put the epidural and it was a tiny prick as it is a normal size needle, I had no idea of the huge needle until a week later when I saw the video my husband had taken!! I was shocked watching the whole procedure!! medicine is incredible! all that cutting, tugging and pulling getting our gorgeous son out and I didnt feel a thing!!! :)

Answer #5

Mine didn’t work. I got one done on my last childbirth and it numbed half my body for about 5 minutes, then it went away then I itched all over. My best friend kept slapping my hands away from my chest to stop me from scratching. It itched so bad I made myself bleed. I’m alergic. They work on most women though.

Answer #6

epidural is the way it’s spelled.

It’s a regional anesthetic, that works on nerves in a specific area to numb you from pain. It’s used in childbirth when requested to stop the pain from childbirth.

Answer #7

yes it works I loved it I was in labor 25hrs+

Answer #8

Yes, it is a drug inserted in the spine by needle, to numb the pain of child birth.

Answer #9

yes, why would they use it if it didn’t why do you want to know?

Answer #10

does it work???

Answer #11

It definitely works. I didn’t feel a thing! I was only in labor for about 5 hours, but it was a great experience. It made me feel nice and relaxed and the numbing sensation was kind of cool

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