Child Birth

I know this is a slightly dumb question, but what does having a baby feel like? Some people tell me it KILLS, and others said different. I do not plan on having children. I really don’t want kids, but I am slightly curious on how it feels. So, does it hurt VERY VERY badly, or..?

Answer #1

A Comedian/Actress/Singer Carol Burnett once described what labor pains feel like:

“Grab your bottom lip and pull it over your head.”

It’s nothing that a couple Tylenol will make go away. It’s a very painful feeling.

Answer #2

The Pregnancy: -the swollen body parts that ache -the constipation -the hemmroids -the aching breast -the not being able to get up of the sofa by yourself -the strechmarks -the morning (allday) sickness -the kicks the baby gives to your ribs -the frequent urination -the constant pap smears -the blood work -Wanting to eat everything in sight -The bad teeth - a lot of pregnant women’s calcium get’s sucked out during pregnancy -Breast Leaking through your shirt -Discharge increase -Peeing when you sneeze

The Birth: -Your pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a pea. -You are most likely going to tear, sometimes from front to back. -You get stitches. -You get poked in the back for the epidural -The epidural usually just takes the contractions away not the pressure -The pressure is a whole different kind of pain, imagine all your intestines, trying to escape from your vagina. -The contrations are like period cramps times a million. -The nurses are coming in every 30 seconds, to stick their fingers in you to check for dialation, give you a catheter to drain the pee out of you, and to poke around down there. -You can not eat or drink the ENTIRE time you are in labor. All you get is ice chips. -There the ring of fire, as they call it when the baby’s head crowns, it really does feel like your vagina is on fire and ripping! -90 percent of women take a crap while they are pushing the baby out, you can’t stop this from happening.

After the Birth: -Then afterwards, you have the fun adventure of bleeding for up to 6 weeks. The first time you get up out of the hospital bed after giving birth, blood and fluid gushes from your vagina all over the floor. -You’ll most likely pass blood clots after giving birth too. If you dont get to the bathroom fast enough, they can fall down your pantsleg. -Dont forget, no tampons! Only big nasty pads for the next 6 weeks! -Your breast will be engored and sore and will leak milk from anywhere from 1 week to 3 months. It is painful and you have to wear bra pads in order to keep from leaking through to your shirt. -No sex for 6 weeks.

Answer #3

Well, I’ve never had a child, but have you seen the pain women go through on t.v.? it looks like it hurts!!! and if I explain it to you, then it’ll sound like it hurts worse than it looks!! O.O but that’s why mothers (most) love their kids so much!! one, because it’s their child, and two because they gave hell to have them! :)

Answer #4

the pain ranges from major pain to extreme pain

Answer #5

Everyone I’ve ever spoken to with the exception of one said it’s the most painful thing they’ve been through. You have the contractions and the pressure and then the pain of a baby coming out of your vagina. It’s obviously going to hurt. Although everyone says it’s worth it when you look in to your child’s eyes :)

Answer #6

I found that the early labor (contractions and dilating) was worse than pushing my baby girl out. I did, however have an epidural because I was afraid of feeling the ripping pain of a head coming out of me! lol But the contractions that help your body dilate feel like cramps in your legs, lower back, stomach and pelvis magnified by a thousand. It hurt sooo bad it felt like it was burning almost. And nothing you do helps the pain stop except getting the baby out of you! lol

My labor came to a halt at one point and thats when they gave me the epidural. That let my body relax from the pain so I could dilate the rest of the way and could deliver naturally. I have to say that I’ll never forget the pain of dilating, but pushing her out and seeing her little face for the first time was the best thing ever to happen to me!

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