What if I wanna get pregnant should I wait?

I am 21 and wants 2 have a baby. Should I wait? I mean I really want 1.

Answer #1

Have you ever babysat? If not, start with that.

Its REALLY not as easy as you think.

If everything goes perfectly its STILL a difficult thing to do. I know a lot of women think having children early in life is a good thing. I was 23 when I had my son. I was married too. But I wish I had waited a few more years. Dont get me wrong, I ADORE my child. But it was a difficult pregnancy and birth. He was born premature and weighed 3 pounds. He spent a month in the NICU.

Not long after his birth my marriage fell apart and my ex husband started cheating on me all the time.

I became a single mother at 31.

I gave up my 20’s. A time when you should be out having fun, living life, seeing what the world has to offer you. Not getting tied down.

If you do this, then I wish you the best of luck. But remember, its a PERMANENT responsibility. It doesnt go away. It will completely alter your life. Mostly in good ways but not always.

And its really, really hard being a single mother. Especially when the child’s father doesnt really care and doesnt help out. I was lucky I had a great family to help me with all this but it doesnt always work that way.

Just a few things to think about.

Answer #2

wait you need to be financially, mentally, emotinally and physically ready to have a baby you need a source of income while your pregnant and cant work as well and you need to learn how to take care of abbaby and keep it alive

Answer #3

If your are financially stable and are in every way able to care for a baby without having to lean on your parents for anything, then yeah, by all means have a baby. It’s not going to be like having a puppy.

Answer #4

Whether or not you are married doesn’t matter as long as it doesn;t matter to you. It is more important for you to be financially stable. Have money saved up so you can support yourself while on maternity leave. Also, make sure to research so you know a little bit about birth, the costs of a baby, and what to expect before making the final decision.

Answer #5

Well it depends… Married to a man you trust will be with you through it:No don’t wait Not married have a boyfriend:Yes wait until your married or at the very least ingaged to be married. Ingaged to be married:It would be nice to wait but if your ingaged more power to ya. It also depends on your views in life. Religion plays a BIG role. Fun-Mail me for more information.

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