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Scared to get pregnant
My husband and I are 24 years old. We have know each other since middle school, started dating in high school, and have been married for 3 wonderful years. We have been talking about trying to have a baby for a little while now, but I am scared to get pregnant. I will be graduation from nursing school in a couple months with my bachelors degree, and my husband is planning to start law school in the fall. I don’t know if I am just scared, or if my new graduation and his law school for 3 years is just making me feel like we might not be at a good time in our lives. He really is ready to start trying soon, and I really want a baby too. I just don’t know if now is a good time. Please help me!
I agree with spartan. Talk it out. If you aren’t ready you shouldn’t be having a child. You might really regret it later in your life. Also what is the rush. Wait a few more years, do your dream and then really get to enjoy motherhood.
okay I think that you should wait to try until you have your bachelors degree.that way you will be out of school. I think you should start a job that you like and can keep.that you know, interests you and a place where you fill comfortable working.then you can start trying for a baby. I think that it is important to wait until you are out f school so that you are ready for the baby to come and so that you are happy with the way that you will be living and taking care of your child
hope I helped and good luck!♥
If you have any doubts then you two really need to think about it some more. He will be very busy with law school and if your just graduating you will have a lot on your plate too getting adjusted in a job. Maybe when your adjusted and after a little while of him being a law school the circumstances will be different. Its great that you are taking all of this into consideration! Good luck your young and you two seem to have a great life ahead of you with your career choices.
If you think it’s not a good time in your lives to have a kid, talk it out. Communication is key here and if you think it’s a bad idea, don’t do it. I would say talk to your husband about this. Working it out and understanding what/when you two will bring a child of your own into this world. If it would be a good time, or a bad.
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