What happens to you after death?

People that don’t believe in god what do you believe happens to you after you die?

Answer #1

Exactly as fau puts it.

Answer #2

I believe in god and everything religion, I just hate church classes. No Offense to god or anything…The bread was yummie tho.

Answer #3

…it only denotes to those who think the two are interchangeable.

Answer #4

filletofspam… then waats the point in living?

Answer #5

Your body decomposes and you exist no more. That’s what happens to you when you die.

Answer #6


Answer #7

uhh…you die.. and you stay dead, in my opinion. Sorry

Answer #8

reincarnation and or become spirit guids

Answer #9



Answer #10

well, no1, whatever you believe in happens happens, so theres more then 1 thing that happens. not sure what I would like. I know, turn into a vampire and live forever, myahahaha.

Answer #11

You can be reincarnated ( Life after death) to a animal or any living thing that breathes or you can escape the cycle of reincarnation ( Life after death)

Answer #12

There’s this great website about people who have near death experiences. One thing that was very interesting… http://www.near-death.com

People from different religions or cultures have afterlife experiences that mirror what they were taught in their cultures.

What do I draw from that? It seems the concept of the afterlife is shaped by who you are and the culture that you belong to. As my favorite science fiction writer usually says, are Jewish vampires afraid of a cross?

Answer #13

No, I don’t want to die.

Check out this website about near death experiences: http://www.near-death.com/

They’ve interviewed people that have had near death experiences from several cultures and religions. A lot of it is the same of seeing the light, and having an expanded consciousness.

HOWEVER, the experience is interpreted based on the religion that the person is familiar with. In other words, christians would say that they saw God. Hindus would claim that they say their god, etc.

Answer #14


Answer #15

God is real.. accept it how you want to .. there is more historical facts about Him and his son the then the one roman empire man.. When you are on earth you have the choice to do good and live in righteoness.. and if you pass His test you wil be given eternal life if you believe Jesus Christ is your personal savior.. dont neglect the proven facts.. He is real. and there is a heaven and hell.. its up to you.. God Bless.

Answer #16

Food for thought: If I say there is no God, no eternity…..and I’m wrong….how MONUMENTAL would my mistake be ?

Answer #17

with the pink bunny’s

Answer #18

Now to address certain concerns about the Bible, and whether or not that version is what really happens when you die…

First, we must postulate that God is the embodiment of truth. This is our first premise, and if God does not embody truth, then the thing we are referring to is not God, but perhaps a separate entity. God = truth.

Second, we know that the truth makes sense. When all the facts are known, and when all the facts are true, they will always make sense. Think of this as a spiritual law of the universe. Its also why “God’s ways” cannot be mysterious - if you KNOW the information, and the information is TRUE, it is not mysterious, and it always makes sense. If you do not know all the facts, or if you know all the facts but some are not true, only then would there be a mystery and things wouldn’t make sense.

So God makes sense.

Now we’re told by Catholics that by living for only 30 years on this earth and you “didn’t do good enough” (for sake of simplicity lets exclude purgatory from the discussion), you could spend the rest of eternity burning in hell forever and ever.

This does not make sense.

We’re told by protestants that you can feed the poor, cure diseases, solve the world’s economic problems, end famine, never so much as step on an ant, and essentially take mankind into a golden era of enlightenment - you’re still spending the rest of eternity burning in hell forever and ever if you dont believe a 2000 year old Jewish zombie who was his own father sacrified himself to himself so he could remove a mystic force created when a rib-woman ate an apple from a tree because of a talking snake.

This does not make sense.

That you are a group of “parts” existing at one point in space time, but liberated by the separation from your physical self so as to have new dimensions of movement which can result in the reassembly of those parts at a new point in space time…


Also, I studied comparative religion for several years. In case you haven’t figured it out. :P

Ok, I’m done now. :PPP

Answer #19

You…Can’t just be gone when you die. Your soul does not diminish. If you don’t belive in the soul, I dunno. Just, where do you think your life energy was made? Nowhere? I dont think so…So, your soul has to go somewhere. Seperate Dimensions(labeled heaven and hell =D) pull you toward them as you make actions. Good actions = farther to heaven.Bad actions = farther to hell. In the middle of both, you are reincarnated to try life again. If you don’t belive in heaven or hell, just think of the Good Dimension, the Nuetral Dimension(ours), and the Bad Dimension. Same as before. Your actions pull you back and for between the Good and Bad Dimension. So you must have to go to one of them. No part of you diminishes, therefore you don’t diminish, thence letting you live life again in another Dimension. Think of when you die, your life energy has no boundaries. It moves to the dimension it is closest to. Therefore, you arer born again in that new Dimension. The only boundaries between you and the other Dimensions is your body, part of this dimension we are currently in, for it is mass, something unable to move through dimensions.

Answer #20

Don’t want to be depressing but when you die, you’re dead. Nothing ‘happens’. There’s no rational way to justify the belief that we magically float up to this lovely place called heaven if we’ve been good. That was invented a long time ago in the church to force the poor to fear god and pay their taxes.

When you die, you’re buried in the ground and eaten by the worms and you’re no longer a part of living existence. But seriously: does it matter? Will we ever know for sure? Don’t get me wrong, I respect religion. It just makes no sense to me. If there is a God, where is he? And why does he let these terrible things happen, and why to good people as often as bad? You can say to test them, like in the story of Job, but was Job ever rewarded for keeping faith? Ok, his illness was cured, but his friends still mocked him, and his family were still dead. But believe whatever comforts you, and then get on with LIFE.

Answer #21

You should visit the website www.av1611.org/hell.html and you can actually listen to people who are in hell this very minute and you can see for yourself what happens after death. Dr. Azzacove didn’t belive in hell until he was drilling into the center of the earth with his team of scientists and heard the awful screaming and moaning coming from millions of souls in hell. Just go to the website and listen for yourself. It is a sound you will never forget. But you don’t have to go there- you can chose Jesus Christ and live with him forever, which is the choice I have made.

Answer #22

God is real.. accept it how you want to .. there is more historical facts about Him and his son the then the one roman empire man.. When you are on earth you have the choice to do good and live in righteoness.. and if you pass His test you wil be given eternal life if you believe Jesus Christ is your personal savior.. dont neglect the proven facts.. He is real. and there is a heaven and hell.. its up to you.. God Bless.

Answer #23


Answer #24

if you are bad hell if you r good heaven simple as that unless you dont believe then probably nothing but who cares now enjoy life while you can when your time comes youll no but you know what sucks you cant tell anybody because your dead damn I wish you could

Answer #25

Well, I believe that nothings after you die…

But I’m hoping that I restart with a whole new life! :) That would be SWEET!!!

Answer #26

hey i know as much as anyone religious what happens when i die. just because we believe something doesnt make it true. but for this blogs sake, i hope i meet up with all those i have loved and lost in this life. and i also hopethat if there is a god, he is not as buearocratic as many religions make him out to be or we are all pretty much screwed.

Answer #27

Jesus told the thief on the cross, “today you will be with me in paradise”. If you believe that you will be with Jesus when you die. If you don’t believe that, you will be in the grave until Jesus returns. It’s your choice to make.

Answer #28


please someone just listen to this guy. Everyone and their crazy religious desire for PURPOSE on this earth needs to just calmmm downnn a bit.

Answer #29

I don’t believe in God or any kind of afterlife.

Dead is dead. After we die there is no consciousness. The only part of us that survives is our legacy, our offspring, the people’s lives we touched, and hopefully the world being a better place than it would have been without us.

Answer #30

those of us who “don’t believe in god” ..

go straight to HELL

( DO NOT COLLECT $200 ! )

Answer #31

God doesn’t exist, just an imaginary thing/story…

Answer #32

Its only one of 14 meanings, not exactly synonymous…

Answer #33

When you say “accept” …you mean “believe”

Answer #34

Again, with the threats…

Answer #35

Well the two words are synonymous with each other as per dictionary definition. So, if I accept it, then I believe or have faith that it is true.

Answer #36

Again, people will choose for themselves if they accept it or reject it. Believe denotes having to have faith and there are many people who don’t. Hence the reason I made the comments posted.

Answer #37

I don’t believe in anything supernatural. including God and afterlife.

I don’t want to start a big controversy so I’ll leave it at that, I agree with filletofspam.

Answer #38

I believe the Bible is God’s word and it’s very clear that Heaven is real and Hell is real…it makes it clear a person either accepts or rejects Jesus as their Lord and Savour…there’s no ‘riding the fence’.

Good Luck and God Bless !! A sinner saved by Grace

Answer #39

God is real.. accept it how you want to .. there is more historical facts about Him and his son the then the one roman empire man.. When you are on earth you have the choice to do good and live in righteoness.. and if you pass His test you wil be given eternal life if you believe Jesus Christ is your personal savior.. dont neglect the proven facts.. He is real. and there is a heaven and hell.. its up to you.. God Bless.

Answer #40

I believe that once you die that you’re just dead. There is no after life and there is no soul that is passed on to an after life. Once you die that is it, it’s the end..there is no heaven and no hell to fall back on.

I feel that people created heaven and hell as a safety blanket to make death a little more comforting. It makes people happy to know that when they die it won’t be the end but if they follow in the ways of a “God” that they will be greeted with eternal happiness and if they disobey then they will burn in hell. I feel it is a system created by the weak that cannot accept death for what it is – an eternal ending point.

Answer #41

God is real.. accept it how you want to .. there is more historical facts about Him and his son the then the one roman empire man.. When you are on earth you have the choice to do good and live in righteoness.. and if you pass His test you wil be given eternal life if you believe Jesus Christ is your personal savior.. dont neglect the proven facts.. He is real. and there is a heaven and hell.. its up to you.. God Bless.

Answer #42

You are not you. You are a series of parts that come together at one time for a while which you CALL “you”.

Are you your body? No. Its only a series of other parts; liver, spleen, heart, etc.

Are you your brain? No. If we cut your brain in half, would there be 2 of you?

Are you your thoughts, feelings, or ideas? No. They are always in flux, always changing.

Are you your actions? No. Once your action has been done, it is in the past. People may define you by your actions; ex - Hitler spending his time feeding starving children. But once the actions are done, they are done, and your next action can always be different.

So if you’re not your body, brain, thoughts, ideas, memories, etc… then what are you? Electricity is often described as “not a thing, but an EVENT” - humans are more accurately described this way as well. At no 2 consecutive points in time are you EXACTLY the same.

Now, when you die, these “parts” stop existing at the same place at the same time. They do not stop existing completely. Just as an SMS exists on your phone - you type one out, then press “send”. Where does the SMS go? Technically a copy of the message is still on your phone, but lets ignore that for a minute and suppose the SMS disappears completely anytime you send it. Its not gone forever - the parts that make up the SMS stopped existing at one place at one time, and began existing again somewhere else.

This is the cycle of life and death; the ebb and flow of reality that has no beginning or end. The parts that make us who we are have existed for an inexpressible length of time, and are much older than the universe itself. When you die, these parts stop existing where they are, as its only the body holding them together. They will eventually find a new body - whether as human, animal, demon, angel, hell, heaven, or where ever.

This is what happens when you die.

Answer #43

I put it this way:

Remember when the dinosaurs were roaming the earth?


Neither do I.

I imagine death in the future is the same as it was before I was born. Nothing. Just nothing.

Answer #44

Ok, well once you die you are faced against god. This is called Judgment Day. He will choose either to send you into heaven to have eternal life or into the pits of hell. God looks back on your life and sees what you did wrong and right. But going to heaven is based on living for god and loving him with all your heart. But to do so reading your bible, going to church, and asking god for forgiveness will be the key to that. Don’t listen to those atheists who say nothing will happen and that god is not real, for they have no faith. They don’t know Jesus because nobody has ever mentioned his name to them. I hope this will help, because if anything we (Christians and other religions) want to build the kingdom of heaven and show Satan that he is weaker than Christ.—>(The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.) So now is the time to ask for forgiveness, because we have no promise of tomorrow. So, if you died today where would you go?-Kaylin Holland

Answer #45

God is real.. accept it how you want to .. there is more historical facts about Him and his son the then the one roman empire man.. When you are on earth you have the choice to do good and live in righteoness.. and if you pass His test you wil be given eternal life if you believe Jesus Christ is your personal savior.. dont neglect the proven facts.. He is real. and there is a heaven and hell.. its up to you.. God Bless.

Answer #46

I don’t see how “nothing” could happen to you once you die. Even though i am athiest i dont believe that nothing happens when you die. I have a few theories.

1] (this one is kind of odd) After you die, it’s almost like you’re perminantly paralyzed and you can only see and feel. You cannot move and muscles or speak at all.

2] Every question you ever had in life is answered.

3] You can relive your life as if it were a movie. Able to mess around with moments, saying what you wish you would have, etc. to see what the outcome could have been (sort of like the movie “The Butterfly Effect” )

4] Reincarnation.

5] Your entire life starts over again without you knowing. (explanation for deja vu’ ? )

6] All religions and people who believe in whatever happens to them will happen to them (ex: Christians go to heaven or hell, Athiests do nothing, etc. )

7] You become a spirit (ghost) on earth for all eternity

I have other theories too, but i can’t think of them. Sometimes i want to die just to know! Don’t you?

Answer #47

No one knows - its what you believe that is the answer. I believe I will go to Heaven!

Unless you have died - kept some form of collective conscious - and came back, The truth is there is no way of knowing for certain.

Answer #48

There is heaven and hell. Those who have excepted jesus christ as there lord and savior will spend eternity in heaven. Those who rejected will go to hell. I advise you to visit you local church. We never know when we will die.

Answer #49

Like what does happen? Imagen this, were all just doing our regular things that we do. And then a few or decades later we die. happy thoughts lolz But ok we die, now what? do we just go into a black hole of nothing? Its like we are suppose to be alive experiencing things and reincarnations can suck it! We probally actually have 9 lives. All our past lives we have found planets. and they are the following: mercury, venus. jupitor, earth and so on. Well we could most likely go to the next planet and have it explained the same way we have it now. My friends and I are always concerdicitn ourselves if “life” really exists. I really think it doesnt. Thats why we never remember our births. YEa where young but omg its just complicated > I hoped I sorta help probally not but w.e

Answer #50

bible, tuara and quran all holy books and word from GOD. they all talk about heaven and hell. (real). afer death there is life and on depinding on this world (temporay) how you behave in this world, if you did good to the human being you will be ending in heaven and youd did bad to human beings you will be end up in hell. this is final.

Answer #51

I think your soul lives on and you endure peace from a better place.


you are reincarnated. I’ve heard of people remembering past lives.

Answer #52



Answer #53

You never move again. You aren’t able to speak, touch, see, or do anything. You completely leave the world and become one with the ground. At least, so I believe.

Answer #54

I believe that once you die that you’re just dead. There is no after life and there is no soul that is passed on to an after life. Once you die that is it, it’s the end..there is no heaven and no hell to fall back on.

I feel that people created heaven and hell as a safety blanket to make death a little more comforting. It makes people happy to know that when they die it won’t be the end but if they follow in the ways of a “God” that they will be greeted with eternal happiness and if they disobey then they will burn in hell. I feel it is a system created by the weak that cannot accept death for what it is – an eternal ending point.

Answer #55

For those people who are curious about death and what happens afterwards, I have a few biblical references that might shed some light on things. However, having read the comments, a majority seem to think that there is nothing after death just becoming worm food. It is to this end that these remarks are made. Take it or not, there is a choice to accept it or not. Hebrews 9 verse 27,” And as it is appointed man to die once, but after this the judgment.” In 1 Corinthians 15 Beginning at verse 3,” For I, Paul, delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over 500 of the brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep,(translated, died).” Pick it up in verse 12,”Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain and faith is also vain.” Verse 20,”But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,(died). To verse 35,” But some will say, How are the dead raised up?And with what body do they come? Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body. All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fish, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies(heavenly bodies), and terrestrial bodies(earthly bodies), but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another.” Verse 42,” So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown/made in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness but raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. And so it is written that the first Adam became a living being, Christ became a life-giving Spirit. The natural man is first and the spiritual man is second. There are many other verses throughout Scripture that state that death, physical death, is only part of the journey. The life afterwards is the one we all can look forward to but it takes a childlike, not childish, faith. As I said at the onset people will have to make a choice for themselves. This is by no means meant to sound superior or pious but humbly and truthfully.

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