What does it mean when my female shih-tzu constantly urinating?

I have a 9yr old female shih-tzu is constanty squating and very little pee and it looks like there may be blood in urine

Answer #1

Take your cat to the vet…could be many things…stone, infection, cancer, etc.

Answer #2

its very possible it could have a kidney stone. It isn’t that rare among cat’s. My bermese had two last year. And, what the doctor said was that the reason he was peaing in all these different places was because when he peed it hurt so bad that it would associate the pain with the peeing in that spot and think that peeing somewhere else saying not in the kitty litter would be less painful…These were a lot of the same symptoms as my cat. I’d get him checked out pronto… That shit’s painful as held… try peeing razor blades for months… :::ughhh… do it for him…

best of luck Jake

Answer #3

UTI…pretty common in older dogs, but definately something that needs a Vet to deal with it. Retaining urine causes it to get very concentrated , that in itself can cause crystals and stones…and a partial blockage…you don’t want it to get so bad she has a total blockage…THAT is an emergency.


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