What do you reckon?

Just wanting a bit of honest advice so here goes…

There is a teacher at my school who is fairly new I’d say (he only started this academic year) and he doesn’t teach any of my year or above, but teaches 4 below me. When I first saw him, he totally held his eye contact with me and I hadn’t expected it because he wasn’t somebody I knew, but he was looking at me as he walked past with this beaming stare (makes no sense.. I know!) which made me wonder… But I found that every now and then, not often at all, when I’d notice him in a crowd on the other side of a corridor or something, he’d spot me just as I spotted him which freaked me out! There have been occasions when he’s looked down and smiled while walking past me, and he’s told me off before (for a totally stupid reason!) I must admit, I really like him - So it is possible that I might just be over-exaggerating everything, but please tell me what you think!

Answer #1

well if he’s one of your teachers than you really should wait maybe untill your well I don’t know but as his student you should well back off I think you must be pretty I’m sure theres other guys you want to date try and them a try

Answer #2

Thank you for all the advice, it’s really helped :D

Answer #3

I think you’re probably noticing it more because you have a crush on him.

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