What do I do about my bestfriend??

I’m soo angry all the time because my best friend is soo much more way popular than me, I mean I know it sounds really bit chy and pathetic but it’s really starting to get to me, like I fancied this really popular boy for ages and she knew and then she strated liking him and a week later they were going out, she gave him a blow job and he dumped her and expected me to be there for her. Of course I was because she always bosses me around and I feel like if I disagree she’ll just stop being friends with me but I know the longer im in her shadow the longer noone will notice me. And all the popular boys really dislike me and I dont know why?!? And she’s like really good friends with them all, and the popular guy WHO I STILL LIKE, now wants her to have s e x with him and she’s gunna say yes. Seriously, my life is sh it. Im also going out with someone who I said yes to just because he’s liked me for ages and he wants to have s e x with me and I dont even like him in that way but for some reason I want to have s e x for the first time before she does. IM SO TWISTED. :/ Does anyone have any advice??? Just to make me feel a little less confused. Thanks. xxx

Answer #1

I have had similar problems. I always had a friend that got all the boys , and was more popular and didnt pay attention to me. honestly, when I was younger my friends were real jerks. Now im a little older and realize that some friends you just have to let go. It will all work out in the end. As for the guy, you should not just go out with a guy because he has liked you forever. If you do not like him , then dont go out with him because that will just hurt him more in the long run. Don’t have sex just because you want to have sex before your friend. Sex is a beautiful thing that you should wait for until your ready , and until you find someone you love. You are so above your friend, and maybe should just stop talking to her. I know it might be hard but I learned I had to do that, and things got SO much better. Good luck!!

Answer #2

YOUR life is just fine. This does NOT sound like a good friendship for you.

If there is something about her – not the people she hangs out with, not her popularity, but about HER – that you like, then fine, be friends with her. But don’t just do it because she tells you to, or because you think it’s the way to be popular with other people.

Think about what you said – she is “popular” because she gave that guy a blow job and now she is ready to have sex with him. That’s not “popularity” … that’s just being easy and slutty. If you want everyone to think that you’re easy and slutty too, then keep hanging out with her. Otherwise, find some other friends. You may discover that if you stop following her around, there are some other people out there who would want to be your REAL friend.

Answer #3

Don’t hang out with her!!! She is obviosly not a good friend. There are plenty of good people on this earth that you would be much hapier with. You really need to understand that popularity isn’t everything, and a lot of these so called “popular people” are the people that have absolutly no self of steam and put others down to make themselves feel better!!! Trust me your life ISNT sh!+ and you should know that! Please don’t have sex with an arogent punk you don’t like it’s not right! I really hope this helps you and I’m sorry if this upsets you a little bit it’s the truth and you have to relize that. FYI I’m 14 and have been able to figure it all out!!!

Answer #4

Thankyou for the advice :D It has helped! :D x

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