What do edgar casey prophecies tell us about 2006 and beyond?

Answer #1

Cayce says that the East Coast of the United States will be disturbed, the west coast will literally disappear, and all coastal and close to sea level land all over the world will be under water. It looks like the Rocky Mountains will be the new coastal mountains in the United States. Anyone who was thinking that Nevada would be beach front property, it will be under water. Colorado doesn’t fare too well even though the Rockies runs through it, it’s elevation in general is still not high enough to stay above water entirely once the new land masses rise out of the oceans.

Edgar Cayce forecast that Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and would be gone, Japan as well, and Europe would be completely changed “in the twinkling of an eye.” The Mississippi area of the United States would not fare so well. The Mississippi would become quite wide and the Great Lakes will drain into the Gulf of Mexico through it. Carolina and Georgia are also slated for disappearance. Some central states in the United States will be somewhat alright like the Illinois Ohio, Montana areas, while Canada has large portions of undisturbed area too. The western part of Canada is going to have challenges though. Edgar Cayce also predicted that there would be volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the southern hemisphere more than the northern hemisphere. Land masses within the seas will arise to become islands and continents of their own.

Unfortunately, Edgar Cayce doesn’t mention much about other parts of the world. It is probably due to the fact that he was from the United States and travel in his lifetime overseas wasn’t as easily accessible then as it is now. He most likely didn’t know a lot about the other parts of the world since his era wasn’t as connected in communication like we are now. He does say however that there will be strife in Egypt, Libya, Ankara, Syria, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. He also mentioned that there would be strife in the Davis Strait which is between Greenland and Canada.

Edgar Cayce also predicted that there would be a global pole shift of 17 degrees into Russia and reportedly there will be a shift of 16 degrees, which is close. http://funadvice.com/r/3leo2lqlcc

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