What condition is your hair left in after stripping it?

I have been blonde for years, but decided to go back to my natural dark brown when i was pregnant, but since i tried to dye it blonde and it went all sorts of colours so i covered it with a red and medium brown.. now thats fading and im lookin a lil ginger. I want the colour stripped off and leave it to get healthy again, then go to my hair dresses to go back blonde again. Has anyone had the colour stripped before? what condition is the hair after? can u still straighten it?

Answer #1


Stripping your hair removes the natural oils that keeps it healthy and shiny. It will cause your hair to become dry and brittle. If it’s not done correctly, your hair could even fall out. I would recommend going to a professional if you must do it. Also, straightening it after stripping it will only increase heat and dryness, making the effects worse.

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