Stripping permanent dye from your hair?

How do I go about it, and will it damage my hair?

I dyed it like a year ago and my hair takes sooo long to grow out so I still have quite a bit of the colour left in.

I want to get rid of it because it’s becoming noticable where it’s growing out.

So yeah, how do I do it? And will it be damaging?

Thanks :) x

Answer #1

They have a product called color oops you can find it at walgreens it is safe to use but will bring you to a base color, sort of a yellow so you will have to dye your hair after. If you can’t afford a salon get a box of dye that is the color you are going for and try it out. If the dye makes your hair to orange or dark use a little toner on it for a minute or more till you get the color you want. But you really should go to a salon.

Answer #2

you’d have to go hairdressers, when they do it, it will dammage your hair, but they have all the intense shampoo and conditioners to help it. dont do it yourself. you’l end up with your hair falling out.

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