What color would my kids eye color be?

My parents had 5 kids, and three of them had brown eyes, one blue, and mine our hazel

My bfs parents have have the same combo One blue eyed parent and one brown, and he got brown

What color would our kids be, is there a real chance of green or blue

Answer #1

what colour od eyes do your parents have ? that is the most important fact !

Answer #2

yes. the changes are that they will either get brown or hazel are you have the genes closest to the children. Although there’s a small possibilty the gnees could skip a generation and the child could have the same coulor eyes as you parents or even granparents

Answer #3

There is a handy chart and article at docshop.com here…


that explains some of the basics of eye-color inheritance.

If you want to go into some of the science behind eye-color inheritance, however, things are going to get a lot more complicated. The general rule of “brown = dominant, blue = recessive” is falling by the wayside as more becomes understood about how genes express themselves. Single-letter variations of the DNA of a gene, for instance, can have a huge impact on how much pigmentation that gene produces and what color your child’s eyes will be.

Discover has an article summing it up here: http://discovermagazine.com/2007/mar/eye-color-explained

Answer #4

Most likely, their eyes will be brown because brown would be the dominant gene.

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