Why evolution?

Im sure theres other theories just wondering why is evolution such a dominate theory?

Why did you decide evolution was the explanation?

If you have other ideas of how things came to be please tell Im always enterested in learning all I can learn.

Answer #1

pixiestyx: Actually, “Intelligent Design” is simply a cover for creationism - it’s creationism without directly mentioning the christian god. What you’re talking about is often referred to as “theistic evolution”

Answer #2

evolution is a dominant theory because of the bone structure in certain animals. They compare them to other animals and some have the same strucuter. I however do not believe in evolution. I believe God created us all individually. If evolution was true then monkeys today would be having human babies, and that isn’t happening.

Answer #3

“If evolution was true then monkeys today would be having human babies”

your biology teacher must be really lousy if you think that makes any sense… or maybe it has nothing to do with your education…

as for why it is a DOMINANT theory, is because there is evidence of natural selection…

Answer #4

It’s important to distinguish between the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution. Evolution is a fact because we can directly observe evolution of a population ourselves - for example, in fruit flies and bacteria. Evolution is also a theory - what is called “the modern synthesis”, which explains how the fact of evolution happens. It makes testable predictions, so we can use it to explain things on a wider scale than those things we can directly observe, such as changes in the fossil record.

If another theory was proposed that explained the observed facts better, it would eventually replace evolution as the dominant theory.

Answer #5

Evolution of everything, from the instant of creation (the Big Bang) is a logical explanation and many parts of it are very provable. Evolution applies to all things, whether physical things like planets and galaxies or things that are forms of life.

I don’t deny the possibility of a God that set things in motion (I’m a Deist) but I do not accept a continuing intervention by that God.

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Answer #6

The theory of evolution was predicated by creationism. . .the idea that the earth and everything on it was created by god in less than a week. . .man was created in his image, fruit of the poisonous tree, etc.

Scientists began postulating the idea that rather than god creating everything, that everything changed slightly over time and those slight variations turned into what we now observe on the earth today.

This theory was popularized with Darwin’s ideas including “survival of the fittest” to describe how certain traits came to be within a species. He noticed that certain mutations are beneficial to a species and that mutation will be passed down from that being to their offspring who will have the same advantage of their parents and so on and so on down the line until only those with that mutation exist.

This caused a huge paradigm shift within the scientific community but was vigorously challenged by the creationists who believed that god had to be connected to the process in some fashion.

After much heartache, we now have the theory of “Intelligent Design” which is a belief in evolution with the guidance of god’s hands in a sense.

Within the scientific community, most people will say they believe in Evolution however many in mainstream society believe in creationism or Intelligent Design.

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