Answer #1

Gigs, short for gigabytes are:

gig·a·byte (gĭg’ə-bīt’, jĭg’-) Pronunciation Key
A unit of computer or electronic memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 megabytes (230 bytes). One billion bytes.

Answer #2

but the actual amount of storage, due to the computer operating in base 2, is always an exponent of 2 I.e. 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024…so a 20 gig hard drive actually is 1001100010010110100000000 in base two, and works out to slightly more. this is why your DRAM sticck are 256meg, 512meg, and the so-called “1gig” is 1024 2 to the exponent 10) remember a computer works like a light switch something is either “ON” or “OFF” so only ones and zeros are used a zero is off and a one is on.

Answer #3

uhh are u referring 2 gigabytes or uhh like shows that bands play

Answer #4

I’m guessing gigabytes, because it was in the Computers and Technology section.

Good answer Broadway.

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