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I have a question: What did the greek gods really do for you? Or anyone else for that matter.
That is not weird,in everyone’s heart have a belief, lead us to the light, that is a belief, not a real thing, as long as our hearts have it isenough.
Clearly anyones choice to accept or reject JESUS (John 3:16)
It is unusual because chances are you have been indoctrinated into Judeo-Christian-Islam your whole life. At the logical level the classical pantheon seems a lot more believable to me than the trinity and Satan.
No. It is not. Absolutely not.
There is freedom of religion and you can follow any religion that you choose believe in.
It is of course a little unusual for people to convert away from the religion that their parents have and follow another religion instead. But then, those who convert often have strong reasons to do so.
You may encounter repudiation. Because if your family, friends and neighbors are one religion and you convert to another, they may refuse to accept your conversion. They may claim that it is a childish move of teenage rebellion. They may consider it a passing fad or a mood.
But do not let that discourage you. Seek the knowledge and the faith that you were meant to find and do not let them ridicule you. Resist peer pressure. Find your own way.
If you have found true faith and enlightenment in Zeus and his divine companions then, please, let me congratulate you on your new insight.
I myself am a follower of Eris, the ancient Greek goddess of Chaos, Dischord and Confusion. My parents were outraged when they found out. They are both atheists and they claimed that all the gods are delusions. But I am now truly convinced that they just lack insight on these matters. We have since agreed that we disagree and moved forth. They still claim that I have only become a discordian in order to piss them off. They will never truly understand my devotion to Eris - hail Eris, all hail Discordia.
But we must never make ourselves subject to the whims of other people. And we can never abjure and turn away from our faith - from the foundations of what we believe to be the truth - just because others want us to. I mean, come on, dude - if you actually, really, truly believe in something, then you don’t just stop believing in it, because some shithead says he thinks it’s weird.
What did any God actually do for any human ever? Mine made me laugh. Repeatedly.
Well a big part of my belief system is finding a pantheon (greek, norse, etc) and we can choose to worship them. For me personally, I tend to follow the greek pantheon, so to me it isn’t weird at all, for I pray to them and meditate to them every day. There are actually more people than you think that believe in the greek gods.
Mine has done a great deal for me, and the closer I get, the more I blessings I seem to be recieving. Greek gods? Really? Noone can dispute (even the almighty scientists) that Jesus really lived. Oh, I could go on and on and on but what’s the point. I didn’t “pick” on his theory, just asked him to explain it. People “pick” on Christianity because they have never took the time to understand it, and they fear it. They are “afraid” it’s going to restrict them somehow, and not let them be themselves, not really true.
I disagree, I am not Christian because well… i am not Christian. Not because I fear it. And I definitely understand it more than most Christians do. That’s like saying the only reason you aren’t an Atheist or Wiccan is only because you don’t understand it. That isn’t the case. And even if Jesus existed, that says nothing about your God over other Gods. So the guy existed. That’s nice, but doesn’t prove anything else really. I can’t answer for Chris but I can say that for me, my Gods have done pretty much everything your God has probably done for you. They have supported me, helped me, given me comfort in times of need, and made me who I am today. For me, I can accept that our Gods are different. You have yours and I have mine. Although I do wonder why you would assume other Gods do nothing for us. They do plenty for me.
There’s no point in arguing, I’ve been down that road before. so, good luck to ya.
No, people poke at it because some (not all) ppl like to shove it down other’s throats and claim it to be absolute truth. Also, the burden of proof is not on the scientist to prove that he exists, on those claiming he does exist to prove that he does. Though I will state this. In the beginning of science people explored & researched space and the world to set out to prove their faith. Hundreds, if not thousands of years later they still have little to nothing to nothing.
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