
I want to become a vegatarian, but was wondering can you eat eggs? I know you can drink milk, eat cheese and things like that, but im not sure about the eggs. Also what kind of things can I use as a substitute for meat? is there any vitamins I should be talking?

Answer #1

There are different kinds of vegetarians. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat dairy and eggs and are the most common type. Pure vegetarians eat no animal products. Vegans neither eat nor use (leather, fur, etc) any animal products when they can avoid it.

Personally I’ve been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 28 years. The last 4 I’ve been eating closer to a pure vegetarian (vegan) diet but I’m still not 100%. I do avoid eggs and dairy most of the time though.

You don’t need to substitute anything for meat. The only nutrient that is difficult to get on a pure vegetarian diet is B12. If you are a pure vegetarian or vegan for years than you should get your levels checked and supliment if necessary. If you even occasionally eat eggs or dairy you should get all the B12 you need here. Many vegetarian foods are enriched with B12 so if you eat a few of these you should be all set as well.

Answer #2

You can eat eggs.

Vegans don’t eat eggs or any other animal by-product

Tofu and beans are great substitutes for meat, and as long as your eating enough of that plus fruits, vegetables and grains, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about vitamin supplements. If you start feeling tired, or generally “off”, then it might be time to take the vitamins, but see how it goes first.

Answer #3

infact just eat meat >< animals eat each other why shouldnt we eat them too. (although I agree you should know where the meat comes from and what kind of life the animal had. you dont want to be eating a cow that was a bit of a hussy and had all sorts of sexualy transmitted deseases do you haha

Answer #4

vegetarian: no meat vegan:no meat or dairy products(which includes eggs) its really your choice.. the substitute for meat would be tofu? and just make sure you get anough protein and iron and everything!:b there are vitamins you can take if you need assistance with thatt!

Answer #5

no because egg is the chicks birth place or watever

cheese is formed from milk of cow which doesnt contain another life 2 it or reproduction, same as cheese

egg is a symbol of beggining of life, so its pretty much a life of a chicken your eating if that does make sense

Answer #6

At the end of the day it is up to you, why do you want to become a vegetarian? if it’s a “I dont want to kill animals” thing, then it’s up to you whether you believe eggs are life or not…

Answer #7

The eggs that you get at the grocer have not been fertiilized, so there’s no chance of them growing. You aren’t killing anything by eating them :)

Answer #8

I think you should still eat fish seeing as there not really meat ^^ not in my opinion anyway. Weird creepy smelly things Shivers

Answer #9

You can eat whatever you want, really.

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