Vampires and Wearwolfs

WHO LIKES WHAT and does anybody know good vampire and wearwolf books besides twilight and dracula! thankz

Answer #1

There’s a movie my sister got me to watch called Black Vienna, and it’s about this girl who is secretly a werewolf. She has two lives, one as Vienna ‘whatsherlastname’, basically a regular person with a job at this coffee place and a boyfriend, and so on. At night she goes to this subway station and her and her werewolf friends all meet in this abandoned basement/storage room, or something. The movie doesn’t explain much. All it shows is Vienna and the other werewolves having keys and unlocking the door to this room in a subway station. It was actually not a bad movie, and I don’t really like this kind of topic. Anyways, my sister said the movie- Black Vienna- was based off of a book that is really good, but sadly not known very well.

Answer #2

Tales From the Dark Tower By: Joseph Vargo best vampire book I ever read I recommended to a Twilight Freak, she tackled me when she was done reading it, exstatic about how good it was. You’ll have to place a special order for it from a book store, but I can assure you, it’s worth every penny. I’ve read the book bout 3 times over, and soon I’ll be reading it a forth time.

Answer #3

ooo werewolves rule over vampires

urmm as for books..Blood and Chocolate Oh! and thought there not always about vamps and werewolves the Night World series is awesome! especially Daughters of Darkness and Secret Vampire…=]

Answer #4

the True Blood books are amazing! there’s nine of them in the series, and I dunno if you’ve seen or heard but they’re being made into a tv series. they are called the southern vampire diaries. hope this helps, they really are good! and they have vampires and werewolves ;-)

Answer #5

-The Underworld Trilogy. (although ‘Rise of the Lycans’ was really quite a major letdown) -The Vampire Diaries (it was printed like, 10 years before Twilight) -Anne Rice has something interesting about the vampire Lestat. (Brad Pitt : )) -Blood and Chocolate (HELL of a good read…I haven’t seen the movie) -and for the record, Dracula is, and always will be, the most amazing and original vampire story of our time. Deal with it : ) -Van Helsing. Good movie.

Answer #6

anne rice does great vampire books

Answer #7

Salems lot and Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King

Answer #8

Vampires rock! Try reading Shiver- by Maggie Steifvater or The Silver Kiss- Annette Curtis Klause :)

Answer #9


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