Why am I so ugly compared to all my friends?

Okay, so I’m in school, and I hang out with “The popular crowd”. I don’t even know why! Because ALL my friends are DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS! Except me. Compared to them, I’m a homeless freak that crawled out of the garbage can. Is there any way to make me prettier, without makeup?

Answer #1

I hang out with the popular gang in school, and they’re all absolutely DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS… Is there a way to make myself prettier, without weird makeup tricks?

Answer #2

i know how you feel i wear a size 9 jeans in everything and a xlarge in tees. My friends are a size 5 and a medium. and they call theirselves fat around me so i just make up a excuse to leave. They are also the girls who get they popular jocks and great relationships. they are always pushing me into dating random guys. to be honest if your not happy with the way they treat you find some new friends who you feel comfortable with. thats the only thing you really can do

Answer #3

Everybody sees something wrong with themselves. There’s always someone that you feel is prettier than you… Basically, you just have to work with what you have, and make something out of it. Don’t go by your friend’s looks. Everybody’s bodies are different. You’re hanging out with ‘’the popular crowd’’ because they like you. Your personality is probably amazing, and the last thing they’re thinking about is your looks. Looks aren’t entertaining.. personalities are.

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