Trying to quite smoking

I’m trying to quite smoking. I’ve been somking for6 years, I smoke about a pack a day. I’ve tried the patch but cant keep them on, the gum worked but I relapsed. This time I’m trying Chantix. I want to quite for my daughter (9 months today). Its so hard. Generally I smoke at work ( I work a 24 hour shift) and thats where the cravings get bad. Any advice?

Answer #1

“How to “quit” smoking?”

You can’t “quit smoking”. You CAN “become a non-smoker”.

There is a big difference in the way your mind and body reacts to the two attempts. In “quitting smoking” your mind and body tell each other that you are trying to deprive it of something it likes and needs, therefore it works hard at preventing you from succeeding.

In “becoming a non-smoker” you successfully attain your goal while not giving your mind and body a chance to perceive that they are being deprived.

Along with the above attitude change, you can help achieve your goal by having on hand some hard candy. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke simply place a piece of candy in your mouth.

Don’t try to refrain from smoking “forever”. Simply refrain for the next couple of hours.

I, personally, know that the above works. I smoked for 30 years and was up to two packs a day. I successfully became a non-smoker 22 years ago. It wasn’t always easy and I still have nightmares that I’ve started smoking again and “blown” my smoke-free record but then I wake up and am thankful it was only a dream.

The candy I used was “Gobstopper” Jaw Breakers. The lasted about 10 minutes each and effectively replaced the craving for a cigarette.

You, too, can become a non-smoker, even if you’re surrounded by people who smoke. It is your choice. When offered a cigarette you don’t say “no thanks, I’m trying to quit” but instead state “no thanks, I don’t smoke”.

Good Luck!

    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #2

I’ll tell you how I quit (I have kids too….good luck) . I got pneumonia and was basically unconscious for 4 days, only got up to wiz and that was it. Since I really didn’t eat or drink much even that was not often. When I finally woke from my coma-like state I barely moved for 2 more days and the thought of crawling out to the garage to smoke wasn’t worth it. When I finally could walk I realized I had just slept through the worst of the withdrawals, and that if I was ever going to quit that was the time, and I honestly didn’t have the cravings. I have a pack of cigs in the desk drawer right now I have had sitting here for 2 years and have never had one, never even came close. I keep them here to prove to myself I don’t need them and wont smoke again.

So…..go get yourself a nice case of pneumonia this Winter and if you survive you should be cured 

How about you stick a picture of your daughter into the cellophane of the pack of cigs you are carrying so anytime you go to smoke you look at her. You obviously are motivated by your love by her; I bet she can at least make you wait a little longer each time until you can finally put them down for good.

Good luck to you brother, I wish you (and your daughter) the best.

Answer #3

I quit smoking when I got pregnant with my son (he’s 3 months now). The only way I kept sane at first was always having something in my mouth, like jolly ranchers, wherthers, suckers, any type of hard candy. I’d put a toothpick in my mouth sometimes and just chew on it also.

Answer #4

You need to cut down a little at a time, you cant expect to just stop all at once. So just try cutting back as much as possible and if you do this for long enough you’ll eventually quit all together.

Answer #5

Keeping busy? Write yourself a list of all the reasons you are doing this for. Research into the damage smoking does to yourself and those around you. You could try cutting down, and smoking at different times rather than habitually. In england they have supprt groups and such, maybe theres an organisation where you live? I’m sure they’ll be one on the internet somewhere, they’ll have better tips then I, a non smoker, would have. It’s just a matter of mind over matter really. If you want it badly enough you’ll get there :)

Answer #6

I have to congratulate you first for wanting to quit for your daughter. That’s the first step. Cutting back will help but the easiest way to do it is just to go cold turkey. It will be hard but with the right motivation you can do it. I know it’s going to sound corny but when you’re at work carry a picture of your daughter with you and every time you have a craving look at her and think about her.

Good luck

Answer #7

Probably use the patches. Another brand I think has the ones you can’t feel or defidently try chantex.

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