God in schools.

I don’t really understand why God is not to be talked about in schools, but they allow Evolution to be discussed. that doesnt seem to make sense to me? im agnostic, so I lean either way. but can someone explain that to me? thank youu.

Answer #1

Yes which is why I sayed they should teach all types of religons in school , plzz captainassassin your such a jerk

Answer #2

In the U.S. we have freedom of religion, AND a separation of chuch and state. Which means you are free to practice your religion here, but the federal government is to show NO favoritism to one religion over another.

In order to teach religious based information, the schools would have to teach ALL religious based information. That is just WAY too many different religions to acknowledge. The same reason the ‘pledge of allegiance’ is unconstitutional (it should either reference ALL religions, or NO religions). And the same reason why ‘In God We Trust’ will be removed from U.S. currency. Many Christians like to claim they’re being treated unfairly now, and that they’re losing their rights. When in truth, it was never their right to begin with. The government made some mistakes, and now they’re correcting those mistakes.

Is this fair? YES

Evolution is a scientific theory, and SCIENCE is part of a general education. Religion is NOT. You can learn about religion in sunday school, or just wait until junior college.

The reason Evolution is explained in schools: (1) Its actually been PROVEN to occur/exist in certain cases. (2) From an academic standpoint, science has a better track-record (science had proposed countless theories and confirmed many to be true. Where as religion has confirmed… well… nothing.)

Does this mean that Religion is 100% wrong?


Does this mean that Evolution is 100% correct?


Does this mean we DIDN’T evolve from monkeys?


Does Evolution claim that humans evolved from monkeys?


Does Evolution claim that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor?


Does Evolution claim that the universe began with a loud noise?


Does this mean that ‘The Big Bang’ theory is 100% correct?


Does this mean that ‘The Big Bang’ theory is 100% wrong?


Does the name ‘Big Bang’ sound misleading, and in itself probably the reason why many religious people cannot take it seriously?


Answer #3

Simple. Evolution is a scientific theory based on fact. Creation and intelligent desine is based on faith with no evidence to back it up.

Creation and ID and God is not science therefore doesn’t belong in a science class. Faith belongs in a church.

To enforce the creation theory with no real evidence is to enforce one belief above another. Our country’s public doesn’t do that. No matter how right that religion thinks they are.

Mack; if we didn’t teach anything that wasn’t fact than we wouldn’t be taught gravity or thermodymanics or even math for that matter. We do teach fact based theories that have moutians of evidence behind it. Evolution is one of them. Creation is not.

Amblessed; yes the bible speaks of this time of prosecution. Christians were being prosecuted back then as well if that’s what you call what’s happening to you now. I don’t see you being throne to the lions or put in the furnace.

Gorge Carlin. What can I say. He had it figured out didn’t he. Wow I miss him

Answer #4

Who in hell is Shiva?

Heh… predictable… I just won 20 bucks…

Shiva is the Hindu deity of creation and destruction. Just as likely/unlikely to be the creator of the universe, as YOUR God. And just as provable/unprovable…

You believe in love You cant see love you cant touch love but its still there

Love is a product of PHYSICAL stimulus. Persons, places, and things you can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Your individuality and personality are a DIRECT result of these senses. All of your memories are results of these senses, all of the information you’ve gathered about God, were gathered VIA these senses (from books, and from word of mouth = sight, sound / seeing, hearing)

But God himself, is something you CANNOT see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. Therefore you CANNOT prove or disprove that he even exists. You can only BELIEVE he exists, and find evidence, or what you consider to be evidence, USING your senses, to support your BELIEFS.

you cant see air you cant touch air but its still there

You can smell it, hear it, taste it, and if you compress it into a liquid, PRESTO! Then you can touch it and see it as well. Can you compress God into a liquid?

Answer #5

And who determines which religions are ‘valid’ enough, and how much time should be spent on each? Can my Flying Spaghetti Monsterism get equal time with your Christianity? And when will you find time to teach children about useful stuff - the stuff schools are actually here to teach - once all your time is taken up giving equal time to every religion under the sun?

Answer #6

I think it BS they should keep God in the schools Im a christian so Im like really pissed off about that…I think every one needs God in there life

Answer #7

OK, well let me ask you this. If I’m a Buddhist, and I send my child to a public school that I pay taxes for, and that school is teaching my child that the Genesis God created the universe and that the Bible is the inspired word of God, don’t you think that’s a violation of my constitutional rights?

Answer #8

No because your a jerk who just has to be right which your not

Yes I am right… and you DO agree with me…

I think its a good idea that thing should stay how they are

That’s what I said from the very beginning.

Answer #9

Yea you have a good point there yes I think its a good idea that thing should stay how they are :) if it dont it might cufuse(Spelling) things

Answer #10

I really // [CAN’T] // explain // what I believe Ugh!!

^ corrected ^

We had the power to turn the tide..

WHAT power?

Answer #11

Because you’re an idiot…

And you started the name-calling, because you got frustrated, because you don’t understand, nor can you express or even fathom an explanation contrary to what YOU believe.

You should at least TRY to learn more about what you believe. Your faith would be stronger as a result, and you’d be able to express your beliefs in more of a dignified manner.

Answer #12

yes plain and simple . They dont want you to have God in your school cause its making too much of a fuss so they only want you to hear what they say and not God . plain and simple leave God out and you will more and likely believe finally what they want you too .

Answer #13

“I dont believe in the big bang, or evolution they have to real pover that really happened”

So you believe in god, based on no proof, yet think that evolution has insufficient proof?

Answer #14

I really don’t have to sit on here and try to explain to you two jerks what I believe Ugh!! This is getting so annoying Kitty out

Answer #15

I never did say oh I think its wrong to have other religions in school I think thats okay and they will find time for the things that are actually useful :) I I dont believe in the big bang, or evolution they have to real pover that really happened and like I say before I have faith and thats all the matters, Okay ~Kitty

Answer #16

Okay what ever you say

Congratulations… you finally said something ACCURATE. Now try and build on that.

Answer #17

I don’t think there should be an alternative. I prefer the way things are right now, I.e. no religious instruction in public school.

Some US public schools have already suffered a “dumbing down” of curriculum, why should we make it worse by teaching creationism as valid science?

Answer #18

“I beleive if cant be believed in fully, they should not teach it, “

yeah well no one believed the world was round either…

Answer #19

By the way, there are a few people who’d most likely give a good comment on this. Like captainassassin or this other one guy, don’t remember his name. Or king of pop. You might be interested in what they have to say ;)

Answer #20

Your impression of God, is on the same level as your spelling & grammar…

You really have NO idea what you’re talking about.

Answer #21

We live in a time the Bible talks about when Christians will be persecuted more and more, so it’s no surprise to anyone who studies it.

Answer #22

OKay I dont care put your God in the school I really dont care!!! I just what my God in the school I have Faith thats why I beleve in god How was the earth if my God is not real??Tell me since your such a smart azz

Answer #23

I think mostly because God, in my opinion, is just a little story tale being told to people so they shall not fear death, ect. And, they teach evolution, because there are scientific facts that back it up. :)

Answer #24

the reason they are taking the talk of God out of schools is because they are want people to think they need God when all Honesty we all need God in our lives!

Answer #25

Well, you see, god is, like, absoputely out of question. Besides, how are you planing to edducate “god”? I mean, it’s like saying Harry Potter is real. Realy.

Actually, you know what, if you realy want to get into this, you could funmail me ;)

Answer #26

because not everyone is Christian some people are muslim, mormon, buddist, hinduist, daoist so are they supposed to talk about all the gods?

Answer #27
  1. God is based on faith - no proof of it’s existance.
  2. Evolution makes sense, and is backed up by scientific facts, making it more logical to believe in. While God is more like a book character.
Answer #28

They already teach about different religions in public school. In a world geography or world history class, for example, you will learn about the rise and spread of religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, as well as their cultural impacts. I remember learning about that in public school.

But it’s all about perspective. In a textbook written for a Christian private school, all of this will be taught from a Christian perspective. In a public school, it’s taught from a neutral, secular perspective, which is how it should be. What is the alternative?

Answer #29

“there is no poof in the big bang, or evolution”

There’s plenty of evidence for evolution and the big bang, and they are scientific theories that make testable predictions (and they could be disproven if they turn out to be wrong). None of those apply to your belief in god - they’re not equivalent in any way.

“I mean teach creationism alongside evolution and natural selection in science classes”

See above. Creationism is not a scientific theory, so it shouldn’t be taught in science class. (If you think it is, can you name a verifiable prediction creationism makes? Can you suggest a way in which it could theoretically be disproven? Evolution has both.)

Answer #30

“I still think its wrong not to have God in the schools”

What about everyone else who wants their god in schools? Them too?

“I think they should put God and the bible back in school”

In the US, god and the bible never were in schools - that’s the point of the separation of church and state.

“You believe in love You cant see love you cant touch love but its still there you cant see air you cant touch air but its still there”

I can prove both love and air exist. Can you prove your god exists?

Answer #31

Okay this is getting very annoying captainassassin, can you compress God into a liquid No hes a preson!! Can I compress you in to a liquid no I don think so Ugh arachnid for the last time I have FAITH okay there is no poof in the big bang, or evolution you say theres no poof in my God I have FAITH in God something you dont have kingofpop I know that what churches and private schools are for but they use to have God in the schools and yea I mean teach creationism alongside evolution and natural selection in science classes Ugh

Answer #32

“OKay I dont care put your God in the school I really dont care!!! I just what my God in the school”

Okay then. As long as you’re prepared to give equal time to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Flying-Spaghetti-Monsterism, I’m happy. When will we find time to teach the kids about stuff that’s actually useful, by the way?

“How was the earth if my God is not real??Tell me since your such a smart azz “

The big bang, followed by evolution, more or less. Your theory comes down to “god did it”, which holds no explanatory power, since you haven’t explained how your god came into existence in the first place. And if he didn’t need an intelligent creator, why should the universe?

Answer #33

“We live in a time the Bible talks about when Christians will be persecuted more and more, so it’s no surprise to anyone who studies it.”

I’m amazed at the ability of (some) christians to cry persecution when they’re the largest religious group in the states (by far), they feel free to tell others that their religion is above criticism, and they already enjoy illegal concessions violating separation of church and state.

Seriously - if you think legally enforced separation of church and state is “persecution”, you need to get some perspective. Or try admitting you’re an Atheist in the US south.

Answer #34

What this really means is that The Watchmen… on the walls… were not doing their job.. when this came along…


if they shouted the warning…

no one was listening…


Is that not true???

We… the Christians… are to blame… for where this country is headed.

We had the power to turn the tide..

but, we stuck our heads in the sand.. instead.

Answer #35

No hes a preson!!

You mean ‘person’ right? REALLY? I thought he was a GOD… and of course you missed the point. You were trying to equate God to AIR, but you can’t, since air has PHYSICAL properties, and God does NOT.

God in the schools and yea I mean teach creationism alongside evolution and natural selection in science classes Ugh

Then they’d have to teach EVERY religion’s version of creation… in order for it to be fair and constitutional.

Answer #36


What exactly does “put God and the Bible back in school” mean? Do you mean give people religious instruction in public school? That’s what churches and private schools are for. Do you mean teach creationism alongside evolution and natural selection in science classes? Genesis is not a scientific text, even its authors knew that, as do many modern Christians.

What exactly are you talking about?

Answer #37

Everyone needs God in their lives - wow that’s extrememly rude. There are SO many differnet religions out there - why does your have to be the “right” one and the one that people are forced to put up with in schools. Not everyone is a Christian, so to teach Christianity things in school is a slap in the face to everyone of opposite religions. It’s ridiculous. School is about learning the facts - religion are not facts.

Answer #38

We live in a time the Bible talks about when Christians will be persecuted more and more, so it’s no surprise to anyone who studies it.

Christians in the US, as a group, are not persecuted. Prohibiting the teaching of Christian theology in public schools is not persecution. Private schools are allowed to teach their students theology.

I think claiming that American Christians suffer for their beliefs is an insult to people who truly are persecuted for religious reasons.

Answer #39

kingofpop I know that what churches and private schools are for but they use to have God in the schools and yea I mean teach creationism alongside evolution and natural selection in science classes Ugh

When did they used to “have God in the schools”? The US public school system has never been akin to church service.

Creationism is not science. Genesis is not a scientific text. Teaching creationism in public school is not possible.

Answer #40

Evolution to me seems more like a conspiracy theory, because like you said, “more logical to believe in” but not fully true, I beleive if cant be believed in fully, they should not teach it, so I think neither should be taught. but I dont want to get into a religious debate. be cause I dont really believe in Creation nor Evolution. so please dont take any of this offensively. thanks.

Answer #41

Well guess what im a rude person I still think its wrong not to have God in the schools I think they should put God and the bible back in school that’s why people are going crazy now because they don’t have God in their lives You believe in love You cant see love you cant touch love but its still there you cant see air you cant touch air but its still there now im not trying to knock other people religion I have respect for all religion because I cant juge only God can do that but Im just saying

Answer #42

plzz captainassassin your such a jerk

…yeah… because I’m RIGHT.

Answer #43

How was the earth [created?] if my God is not real??Tell me since your such a smart azz

Shiva created it.

Answer #44

George Carlin can sum it all up for you :-P check out what he has to say on youtube, type in ‘religion is bullsh**’

Answer #45

Of corse God person he is a preson in sprirt Ugh!! Are you that supit

Answer #46

haha, I lovveee george carlin, he was one of my favorites. R.I.P George, Rest in Peace.

Answer #47

I agre with u “Foxyfox”:)

Answer #48

I dont understand that either.I am christian,so it sorta pisses me off

Answer #49

Because state and religion are leagally not allowed to mix plus theres proof of evoultuion

Answer #50

Okay fine your right!! Happy :)

Answer #51

I dont know!! Ugh

Answer #52

Why do you have to be a jerk??

Answer #53

Who in hell is Shiva?

Answer #54

Okay what ever you say Rolls eyes

Answer #55

Do I LOOK happy?

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