Tropical Fish Breeding

How do I raise my baby mollies?

Answer #1

Well first you want to have plenty of hiding spots for the fry to hide in, ornament, plants, roots, caves stuff along these lines. Then you want to make sure that you don’t have to powerful of a filter, such as a canister unless you have a large tank the in some parts doesn’t feel such strong currents that the fry can’t swim against them. Then you want to start think about the food, a high quality flake food is all you need. You can get better food like brine shrimp and and stuff along that lines but since you just have mollies the flakes will be sufficient. Then you want to take the flakes and make sure that they are small enough to fit into the frys mouth. Then you just wait until they get bigger. If you want to know even more I would check this site out.

Good Luck and congrats on the new fry :)

Answer #2


What are your specific questions? Feeding, environment, etc?

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