Toying with me in a bad way

It seems like everyday I go through the same crap with everyone from at school to around my house. I go to school get slapped in the back of my goddamn head for nothing and they have the nerve to laugh about it causing me to have a major head ache for he night keeping me home,then coming home I have to listen to my mom get pissed off over the stupidest crap,I go back to school and AGAIN get hit in the head but with a folder,I wanted to snap on the b*tch but I wasn’t going to risk my own education.

Why do people think they can toy with me?how can I get it to stop before I do really snap?

Answer #1

I’ll give you the advice that my mother gave me when I was having the same type of problem.. you have to stand up for yourself.. I’m not saying beat the hell out of the person who’s hitting you, although if it were another male I’d say hit him back.. I’m saying that if she’s hitting you with a folder or whatever, you simply ask her.. “are we in kindergarten or what?.. if you like me you don’t have to hit me.. you could ask me out and I could say no without the headache”.. shrug off the hit but hit her with witty remarks.. guaranteed the others will be laughing at her instead of you cause she got dissed and dismissed.. I don’t know what it is that your mom is getting angry about, other that stupid stuff, so I can’t give you any “good” advise on that one.. especially without knowing your mom.. however, if it really is just stupid stuff she gets angry about.. figure out exactly what it is that angers her and try to not do or say it.. that usually solves the problem.. or when she starts yelling, say something like “can we talk about this rationally and calmly?”.. that usually gets brownie points if its not said sarcastically because it makes you seem mature enough to handle the “grown up” conversation

Answer #2

People always say “go to the principle” but we all know that sh*t don’t work. Keep your parents out of your school life, they think they would understand, but they won’t! My dad on the otherhand, I never really see him…but he would tell me to slap them back. Remember, size isn’t about the way someone looks. you have to keep in mind that your the bigger person! The loser is the one with the bad attitude!

Answer #3

Lay a few punches. It shouldn’t cost you your education. But make sure you size the person up first!

Answer #4

haha chantygirl. good one.

I say follow tat advice^^

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