Why is my Shitzu deathly skinny?

My two year old Shitzu recently gave birth to four puppys and has lost a tremendous amount of weight. She has always been skinny but now looks close to death. Could it be worms or something more serious.

Answer #1

I would suggest getting you’re Sh1tzu taken to a vet, ASAP.

Only a Veterinary professional is able to make a solid determination of the causes to your canines weight issue & the possibilities of other problems, as well as the solutions applicable there of to help her get better.

I am sure you care & love her very much, Do not wait to take her in. Even if it turns out that it is a simple as altering her diet, only they will be able to guide you in that direction, and more would as this is be, pure suggestion.

It is better to be safe than sorry, in-activity can cause heart-ache. Trust me I know, I had a beautiful boxer growing up. My parents neglected to notice, until highly serious… And justified letting this go, because of the cost. My parents did nothing, and so it ended up costing more in PAIN even than in cost, because she was put to sleep. :-(

However, I have found before in my area, Sliding scale Vet’s (Which I love, because I realize they do very much care) They tend to more realize like we should (Not that you don’t) that a huge reason as to why a lot of people d not goo, and ultimately the animal suffers, is because the owner them selves is in fear of high cost of taking care of the animal. Now, I am not fully aware of your situation, however… This may not be the case. I am just suggestion though you may want to get her checked out.

I really do wish you’re best friend gets better! Love her & care for her, make sure she is the best she can be. Be positive & good luck.


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