This is awkward but..

okay I was at a camp for the week mondday to saturday and monday night I was fine and ate some camp food, but got cramps really bad later but I thought they were period cramps but they werent and tuesday the cramps got worse and I guess got constipated but like my poo was like ugh this is embarrasibg but like it was a golden tan colour and looked like creamed corn and like I had to go to the bathroom every 5, 10, 15 minutes and it was so embarrasing and I’d try to go and like I couldnt and it was painful

so I endured this excruiciating cramp pain and constpation for the week and today I told my mum and she said I might have food poisoning.

so what could be wrong with me?

I though possibly it might be from transistioniung from vegetarian food kuz my mum is a vegetarian and I eat that too but I’m but I’m not a vegetarian and I eat meat and havent gottenm sick. but I have at the camp.

so what’s possibly wrong?

Answer #1

Well eat fiber.If that changes then you could be lacking some fiber

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