This is a nightmare

I have recently started seeing my ex-boyfriend again that was not very nice to me in the past at all. Lots of bad things happened and it ended with my parents and friends never wanting to see or hear of him again. This was two years ago. We have grown up a lot more and realised that all we rele needed is a fresh start and to forget the past completely…since this started again about 3months ago we have been sooo happy together and everything has been great. Acept I only told three of my friends who altho concerned for me believed that this time I was calling the shots and I understood what I was doing. Unfortunatly for me two girls (who I dont even no that well) saw me getting into his car with him and procceeded to tell all of my other friends. One of them was sobbing to another and I got abusive messages from others…its the weekend now and I wont see them again till monday…please tell me what I can do to make things better…

Answer #1

I agree with the comment before me. you’re friends should be there supposting you in whichever your decision is. first you need to tell them how you really feel and if you’re happy seeing your ex then they should understand and let you be happy.

Answer #2

you will just have to talk to them they should understand and standby your desicion if they are good friends. jus tell them what you have told your other friends and just explain it all to them. good friends no when to listen and help.

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