He did what!no he dont!

I had a nightmare of my boyfriend he was kissing a girl and he told me he hates me… 4times I had the nightmare and im worrying about it what if he love someone and the someone is not me what if my nightmare is telling me something or what!!!

Answer #1

I think your nightmare is something that will happen after you break up, being as most high school relationships dont last forever (and you are supposedly 14). dont tell him about your nightmare though, cause then he wont trust you anymore. Then he might dump you. thats all the advice I can give you, sorry.

Answer #2

I really doubt that your nightmares are telling you something. Nightmares happen every once in a while and usually mean nothing. Maybe the reason you keep having it is because after the first one your so afraid of it happening that the nightmare comes back. Just try not to think about it. I hope this helps. =D

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