They want custody of MY babies

Ok, I’m 34. My 23 yr old husband recently divorced me and married my 18 yr old god daughter, Ronnie. I don’t have a job, I’ve been depressed lately, and I’m losing my house. He wants to have custody of our 2 kids saying that he has a stable marriage, he has a house and a job and he and his wife graduated highschool and have good jobs. Is there anything I can do to fight this?

Answer #1

you need to get yourself a job and stabilize yourself. Your children are your strength. Anything is possible for love. And your children will love you like no no one else. Get a job, get a house. Nail him for support.You can do it.

Answer #2

please fight for your kids! your husband is nasty and he should be ashamed of hisself to even go there with you. girl there your babies and he can go to hell1 he will never have no luck, for even leaving you with kids like that! any right man would have been there threw thick and then and you defiently gotta get a lawyer, becaus if he get the kids, you might become more depress! ttyl!

Answer #3

Ouch. I remember answering your question about this before. Get a good lawyer and make a fair statement

Answer #4

most states provided a lawyer if you cant afford one. and quite frankly if nothing has changed in your life, like you have dui’s or drug charges a change in custody will be hard for him to get. they have to prove you an unfit mother. most likly what will happen is the judge may grant him joint custody with you still having primary. i dont know how long you have had custody, but most judges really like to keep primary with the mother still. i stongly sugjest you keep on the right paths of life and stay away from people that can hurt your chances for keeping custody like meeting guys in bars and stuff like that even if you have friends that like to party, keep away from them. when custody and child support are in play men can be very nasty and even hire private investigators to try and catch you doing any thing wrong. if you have a mom thats good consider moving in with her to help you baby sit while you get a job. listen to me, right now is for your kids, forget about yourself, your needs, your wants because honey if he takes them from you, he will change them and turn your heart inside out! you sound young, have the courage and strength to indure, eventully he will give up and want to move on. most times (not all) dads want custody because of the child support payments they have to make and it crimps their ability to own a big screen tv. moms (most times) want custody because their hearts are tied up in those little bundles of joy. dont give up girl and dont give in!

Answer #5

i say fight for ur kids if ur da mother then u have full parental rights u shouldnt let him push u around like dat he is a wanka he is 2 imature hunney i say forget bout him move on with ur life and ur kids 2 theres nutin to worrie bout

Answer #6

woops… not done. i adopted the older ones a few yrs ago. hes not their father. he cant have custody of them. the younger ones are his and theyre 4 and 2.

Answer #7

my kids are 6 and 8

Answer #8

The above answer is so correct. He wants the children so he want be a deadbeat dad and not pay child support or spouse support. Remember you have a right in this divoce proceeding he owes you and the children. Do not sign anything to give away your rights to him. Get your support payments and make him pay through the nose. If his new wife wants children let her have them and one day he will leave her. Trust me, I know she and he will get what’s coming to them. GOD BLESS

Answer #9

yeah thats great advice,you need to fight for your children,they should come first,i know you are sad but,ask the LORD,to make you strong,i would feel sad if i lost my kids to anyone,and your ex is marrying a child,what does she really know about taking care of your kids,she not the are.and a mother always knows best for there kids so fight your hartest,i well be praying for you,your friend,adriana

Answer #10

OH yes! You better fight woody allen! I know tons about custody …write me, ill help you, been thru it.

Answer #11

how old r ur kids ?

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