Where can I buy a Ouija board?

where can I buy a weegi board!

Answer #1

special withcraft or special bookstores will sell them im not american so I dont know any witchcraf or spiritual retail chains or stores, but try ebay they will have them, but yeah as I said special spiritulist shops, and if you get hold of one and use it make sure you do it with people who are sirious and reliable be careful with ouja bords thou my friend didnt finish her oujja bord which is bad luck and at that exact time it went wrong half her garden was burnt to te ground without trace or clue on how it did even the police and neighbours were clueless and she hasnt done 1 since, so do the bord with experinced people or people who know what to do and make sure you in a good mood when you do it negative energy will attract negative spirirts good luck xxx

Answer #2

My sister looked for them on ebay and there were hundreds of different kinds at all sorts of prices. I’m not so sure, but my sister found one seller that was selling one that claimed it to be haunted by evil spirits. But my sister believes that it’s only scary for those who have a bad “aura”, which I think means spiritual energy. Good luck finding an ouija board that’s not too scary, but not too tame either!

Answer #3

Toys are Us has them, because they are toys.

Answer #4

Its spelt ‘ouija’ ^_^

Why would you want to buy one of them? They aren’t safe!

Answer #5

I have seen glow in the dark ones at spencers at the mall.

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