Teen Daughter

My daughter is 18 years old. We get along most of the time. She was anorexic up until about six months ago. She hasn’t had a period in over two years. She thinks she runs the show at our house. She is very disrespectful and hateful at times. At other times she is fine. We get along well for awhile but then usually end up having a huge fight and she moves back with her dad and stepmom. This arrangement usually lasts for a month or two until she does something to piss them off and back she comes. She hangs up on me and swears at me. I can’t deal with this anymore. What should I do? I seriously need to think about whether I want her back with me if it doesn’t work out at her dads this time. I love her but she seems to think I don’t. She refuses to pay for ANYTHING yet saves her money to buy expensive purses (like $700 for one purse). She won’t even contribute toward her cell phone. HELP. Frustrated in Ohio.

Answer #1

I agree with mandyloo, tough love. you provide the food and the bed and since she is 18 the rest she provides for or kick her out.. Just don’t pay. It’s going to be difficult at first but remember that you’ll just be helping making her into a young capable adult. AND stick to your plan. don’t ever give in.

Answer #2

but remember to still be nice about it!

Answer #3

tell your daughter is she wanna run something get her own damn house and get the hell out of your spending your money and get a job and see if she still wanna but them $700 purses

Answer #4

She’s 18 - a big girl - if you allow her to use you, like never paying on HER cell phone - you enabling the behavour - you must do what you must do - Stop.

Answer #5

Tough Love.

She is legally an adult and should not be living in your house because obviously she is disrespectful to you and your home. Sometimes the only thing you can do for them - is show them the door. Unless she changes her ways - you can not have her in your home. You and her father are enabling her. I know all about that - I’m a recovering drug addict. My parents took me in at first - and gave me money when I needed it. They were enabling me. Eventually they realized that they had to show tough love towards me to get me to change. They kicked me out - and I hated them at first. They called all the time and eventually (6 months later) they convinced me to go to rehab. I couldn’t thank them more now that I’m better and have changed my life around.

Answer #6

OH WOW. I don’t know WHAT YOU SHOULD,MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHOW HER HOW MUCH YOU CARE FOR HER AND AT THE SAME TIME TEACH HER ABOUT RESPONSIBILITIES ,but go slow like one thing at a time.and if she hasnt had her period in 2 years then she needs to go to the doctor b/c my friend missed her’s for two months and there I something wrong with her.like some disease,I forgot what it is called.

Answer #7

omg, if the freakin purse was designer that $700 for a purse is actually cheap!!! HELLO!!! and just talk to her about the issue and discuss it with her in a calm but appropriate manner!

Answer #8

look your daughter is 18 she needs to be an adult not a fukn child shes an adult you can kick her out

Answer #9

Im going through the same thing with my daughter. She is 18 and refuses to work. She had a cell phone that me and her father pay for so we could keep in touch with her. She stopped answering our calls and text pages and became very secretive about where she was. She started leaving the house without telling us, and coming home whenever she wanted. Sometimes she can be so nice but then turn around to be so disrespectful to us. I finally turned off her cell phone at the beginning of this week because she started making demands on us. I am very hurt that I have no idea where she is but I feel I cannot enable her any longer. I am praying that she will realize that she will have to get a job to take care of herself as people will get tired of supporting her. Im trying to keep the faith.

Answer #10

All you ned to do is tell her that if she wants to go to their home, she goes there and stays there. She can’t come back. It’s your home, you can do that.

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