if your bauptised

could you still be possesed or are you like safesince you are oficially on of gods childrent.. well like bauptised with holy water

Answer #1

Basically what the dude above (gasmonbt3) is saying, is people who baptise themselves are making a public declaration that they belive in God. In christanity, it’s a big deal to get baptised and people who aren’t sure are encouraged to think it through properly.

You may then ask if it’s the same for babies when they’re baptised, but that’s just another question to ask the lovely people here. :D

Although it shows that you belive in God, it doesn’t create any sort of protection against ‘demonic activity’ as well call it.

Answer #2

You should understand what baptism means first of all. Baptism is the public declaration or outward reflection of the inward work of salvation. Peter said, “Believe and be baptized.” Baptism alone does not, nor can it, be the cure all to prevent a demon possession.

Answer #3

Considering that all documented demon possessions, involved people who were OVERLY religious… I’d have to conclude that baptism doesn’t prevent anything…

Answer #4

anything can happen even though you were baptised and everyone is gods children even if they are not baptised so anything can happen…being baptised just means you are now part of that church or religion

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